View Full Version : My second Pap Smear isn't what i wanted it to be.

03-06-10, 23:34
Hi everyone who is reading this. 6 months ago, I have my yearly pap done and then out of the blue I went in to my doc, not knowing what i was there for, told me that I have low grade cells, he said not to worry about it 90% will go back on there own. I thought 90% now that is good odds. I went in for my second pap, i was soo super scrared he then said not to worry. Ok well then I got a call from the Doctors office, and he wants to go over the results. I was at work freakin out, crying, i've been like holding my breath for the last 6 months. I can't do this anymore, I can't go through this anymore. I don't want my son to grow up with me. I'm sooo scared and depressed. I don't know what to do.

04-06-10, 08:05
Hi Tinker

im sorry that you are going through a really hard time, i think the worst thing is not knowing, when we know whats what we tend to cope better because then we can have a plan of action, at the moment you are in the dark and imageining the worst, i am always the same, why is it when someone wants to discuss something with us, we assume the worst and it must be bad, especially if the person is a doctor, the reality is that the doctor wants to go over the results with you, they have a duty to do that, even if there is not a problem.
Make an appointment to go and see them as soon as possible, at least you will know the facts, and even if you do need some sort of treatment then that can be started as soon as possible. i know you are scared , but not going or worrying about the what ifs, is usually much worse than the reality, so big deep breath and make that appointment, we are always here to listen and talk things through,

good luck and let me know how it goes

Take care

P x

04-06-10, 16:13
Just to reassure you that the worst scenario is very unlikely. I work with a woman who had treatment for abnormal cells just after her daughter was born. Her daughter is now 23.

04-06-10, 19:32
I've had dysplasia before (abnormal cells, but not cancer). All they did was freeze my cervix, which then you shed those cells and then the cells that grow back are usually normal. Then they usually check you every few months with a pap just to make sure. I had that done 20 some years ago with no problems.

04-06-10, 19:42
Please don't worry, it is very common to have some sort of abnormal changes at some point, last year I had borderline changes & have been on 6 monthly checks since & so far all have come back clear.
I have known many people have treatment for cell changes & they are just that, cell changes, it does not mean that you have full blown cancer, my sister works in the laboratories here examining the smears & she said there are many stages before it is even classed as anything pre-cancerous or cancerous so please do not worry, go & see your doctor & speak to them about the results & go from there if you need to.

07-06-10, 03:42
Hi there everyone who responded. Thank you for all you input of this matter, and I will try not to worry to to much on this. Just need a distraction you know!

07-06-10, 13:01
there are 3 stages of cell changes cin1 cin2 cin3, it sounds like you had the 1st one and you were left to see if things corrected themselves, it takes a long time for these cells to get really bad so as you had your last pap 6 months ago I would guess that you are a the cin2 level, this is still very easily treated. I had this myself last year and completly freaked out, but there was no need I had the treatment last October and had my follow up pap on Friday, these results should come back normal apparently 9 out of 10 do but if they don't I will just have to have the treatment again, I am in good hands and you are too, I hope this helps you.

10-06-10, 05:19
I went to the Docotrs today and my pap is the same as 6months ago low grade cells. So the Doc is sending me to a gyno and they will do a bioposy and a Colposcopy. Im not that scared wright now buy I could be just numb from all of the stress or just depressed so don't really care anymore about anything. I almost feel nothing. I have had a really rough week, it's all catching up with me now. Well just wanted to give all that is interested an update on me and hope it can help other people with this sort of thing.

Thanks all who responded with their stories and knoulagde, sorry I can't spell that good!:bighug1:

10-06-10, 06:38
Hi Tinker,

i know its not the results you had hoped for, but at least now you know the results and there is a plan of action, and it will be dealt with, i suppose the difficulty now will be to actually find the strength to deal with it, but its amazing what we can do when faced with something that we just have to get through.

Remember the information that other people have shared who have been in similar situations, that this can be treated successfully.

you will get through this, and people will be here to support you, whenever you need it.

best wishes

P x :flowers:

10-06-10, 20:08
Tinker, do not fret. Cervical cancer is unheard of with people having regular smear tests. You would need years and years and years untreated for it to progress... if it helps, I had borderline CIN1 cells for 2 years and they just checked, did a biopsy and a colposcopy. Most cell changes are due to either infection or HPV. HPV is like any virus, it takes your immune system time to clear it. Mine cleared itself in 2 years. Its a slow process, but it will go by itself probably, just like mine. Just make sure you go back for the followup appointments, and do not fret about either the biopsy or the colposcopy, they are actually less uncomfortable than a regular smear. My last smear 6 months ago was the first one that came back normal. Ive had a letter come through today saying Im due for another checkup. Its worrying the less you know, but I assure you, nothing can happen in 6 months. Borderline cells or abnormal cells are just that... it doesnt mean anything scarey. Low grade means CIN2 at most. Even that is fine after a treatment, but I doubt you are even CIN1. Do not fret. Nobody knows for sure the cause of the cell changes as most clinics dont do an HPV test. Personally I believe mine was because I was severely iron deficient at the time which can effect the shape of your cells. PM me if you want more reassurance x

24-06-10, 07:53
Thanks everyone! I have had some time now to really get myself used to all of this, and im ok for now. I am going to go see a shrink and hopefully that will help me with HA more then anything. Everone take care!

Hugs to you all!! :)

24-06-10, 09:08
hi tinker

glad your doing ok, you are sounding much more positive, sometimes we just need some time to get our head around things.

sending you lots of good wishes

P x

25-06-10, 13:44
Thanks Pollyanna for the good wishes!
Thanks to all who posted on here!

09-03-13, 19:14
Hi everyone it's been a while since I wrote on this, but wanted to put an update on this matter, I have had two more paps since and they came back normal! Yahoo! Now I can go yearly again is what my doctor has told me.

09-03-13, 19:48
was just reading your post from a while ago and 40+ years ago i had the same problem, have one ecery year just to be safe and glad to say they have been fine since, prevention is better than cure take care xxx

09-03-13, 19:51
Thank you! My scare for cervical cancer is no more! But now I've moved on to something different, I hate HA it never ends! I know I'll be fine! Thanks Jamangie!

09-03-13, 19:56
that's the course of the beast, when we conquer one monster we find another lurking in our body some where, i hope the new monster is less life threatening lol they normally are not though x

09-03-13, 20:02
The next monster is worse but I'm going to try and not worry cause then I feel worse.

09-03-13, 20:23
best way to beat the beast is to bring him out into the fresh air that always seems to deflate them a little, they like the dark of our minds that way they have control x

10-03-13, 08:37

I had CIN II/III when I was 26 - caught on smear, treated and no problems since - I'm 32. There is a really good website called Jo's Trust if you want advice and support on this issue.

10-03-13, 17:09
Ok thanks!