View Full Version : heart

08-02-06, 11:27
hi guys sorry for posting with yet another worry.im just feeling quite low at the minute.i seem to hav all sorts of symptoms that im trying to ignore.anyway last night i woke up lying on my back and felt as if my heart was going really slow and irregular and at one point felt as if it had stopped i no this sounds mad but that was the feeling i had.ive woken in the middle of the night a few times with heart symtoms feeling it shake etc but this was worse so scary.i turned to my side and it went normal.any one else find they hav this or anyone no why this happens .i no anxiety is the main cause but why would my heart feel as if it was about to stop and then seem to.i no this sounds crazy but sometimes i get sensations i cant put in to words.thank you all take

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

08-02-06, 12:22

I have symptoms like you i get ectopic heartbeats it's like when your heart misses a beat, it's been going on since i started having panic/anxiety attacks 4yrs ago i still do worry about it even though i've been told from doctors and people on the site they are not harmful but its hard not to when it happens most of the time. I can be sitting watching tv and there they go so i have to get up and do things to make it go. I've had quite a few over the last few days and its annoys me when i know i'm not panicky.

There are quite a few on here with the same problem and when you hear of their symptoms of it it does seem to make it a little better to know that there are others with this. So you will get more replys about this and i hope it gives you some relief to know you are not on your own.

take care
linda xx

Ma Larkin
08-02-06, 14:01
Yep, me too Molly, especially when i'm lying on my back or on my stomach with my arms folded in front of me, which is pretty stupid really cos then I always wake up with pins & needles & think i'm having a heart attack! I have also only suffered with these symptoms since I started having panic attacks so they are quite common as you can see.

Try not to worry, I know its easier said than done, but just knowing that these are really common symptoms of anxiety should ease your mind a little.


08-02-06, 15:50
hi guys thanks for replying to my post.i know what you mean by ectopic beats ive had them for years but it wasnt them i had last night.it was as if my heart was beating extremley slow and irregular.then it felt as if it was going to stop.i moved on my side and it went normal.ive never had that particular feeling before.thanks again marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

Ma Larkin
08-02-06, 16:39
That's exactly the same as me Marcia, mine isn't ectopic, it doesn't skip beats, just goes a bit haywire now and then, and then back to normal when I change position. Scared the life out of me when it first happened! Les

08-02-06, 19:43

i have had a thing a few times where i am listening out for my heart beat and cant seem to find it for a while. it really panics me if i cannot find the beat and i just feel this is it my last breath is about to happen. it has only ever happened at nite.

i dont no if this soundsd the same but thought id try to help.

this is so hard to o live with as we have both said marcia and both have good days and bad. all of us here are the same, just trying to survive at the moment but feel as though we are living on the edge. i hope one day it ends for us all

together, one day for that is what you want more than anything


19-05-08, 19:25
i have had 4 ecgs and 2 lots of blood tests this past 10 months all normal the eptopic beats didnt happen!!! my doc dosent seem concerned but i am!! my heart misses a beat then seems to thud its every day all day!!! is it heart disease??

19-05-08, 19:31
im new to this i dont think my posts are showing can someone let me know?? thank you

Rachey poos
19-05-08, 22:12
hi molly...i have had exactly what u have big hard slow off beat thumps like its gonna pack up...u also get it going out of sync like me dont u....its ssssssooooooooo scary int it... it breeds more anxiety,,horrid x

Cathy V
20-05-08, 00:34
Scouser, no its not heart disease...just tired, sensitised nerves. I think from listening to everyone on nmp that ectiopics or 'missed' beats or whatever we want to call them, seem to be the most common symtom of anxiety. So many of us get them, and no you're not alone in that they can happen all day every day for months before giving us a break!

They are so uncomfortable and make us all feel so much more anxious, and we can take meds to help ease them, but they are not dangerous...please try not to worry too much.

I get them when i lie down on my left side...figures i suppose being the side for my heart! sometimes i get a run of them after climbing stairs, or even just bending down. We all try to find a pattern for them, a reason for them, but there doesn't seem to be anything that i can think of that is a particular trigger for mine. They are just there...whatever, wherever, whenever. Then suddenly they will disappear for a while, months without them, then back they come...same old, same old :lac:

Cathy xx :)

20-05-08, 11:04
thanks cathy i feel a bit better now, i didnt realise how common they were they are so disturbing and im convinced its heart diesease!! im going to see my gp today.... so watch this space! thank you again cathy.

20-05-08, 11:23
These ectoptics are so uncomfortable. I was thinking the same thing last night.

I had been leaning over the coffee table looking at my laptop with my arms folded and i could hear my heart going all over the place.
And when I am in bed I change positions so I don't hear my heart as that just gets me panicking.

I have had them since December now, have had an ECG that was normal, so I guess I have to live with them.
Cathy is right it is such a common symptom of anxiety, and they really aren't harmless.

We are all in the same boat I guess


20-05-08, 16:01
i get a sinking feeling in my chest like my heart has stopped and i need to move to get it to start again, weird! it hasnt though and returns to normal rhythm/rate straight afterwards.


Rachey poos
20-05-08, 16:54
I get a few after climbing the stairs...hate them...I am having loads at the moment:wacko: ....one after the other...hate them x:blush: