View Full Version : Face feeling odd

08-02-06, 11:38
After a really good spell of not worrying, I've been freaking out about a feeling in my face kind of on the left side, it doesnt exactly feel numb, but it feels like the left side is heavy and my mouth is drooping. However when I look in the mirror it looks ok. I get dizzyness sometimes but i've had that for a couple of years on and off and think it's probably just anxiety. Anyway i've just been worrying that i've got a brain tumour or something. Does anyone think it's possible for anxiety to cause the strange sensation in my face? i.e. that i'm overly sensitive to normal feelings. I have had blocked sinuses in the left side of my face so i don't know if that's affecting it.


08-02-06, 11:44
hi tom i get this feeling on my face a lot and always on my left side .doc says it is anxiety.but like you i worry its something worse.i try and distract myself telling myself ive had it before.i no it is difficult when your worried.like you say our bodies are so sensitive to every feeling.remember our nerve endings are right under our skin so no wonder we get strange feelings. hope this helps marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

08-02-06, 14:22
Thanks Molly.

08-02-06, 23:09
Hi Tom,

When my anxiety was on a high I used to get the exact same thing and I was always checking in the mirror, or touching the left side of my face to see if I could feel it.

I learnt to ignore the feeling by thinking of something else and it soon went away.

Hope this helps

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

09-02-06, 09:00
Hi Tom

A friend of mine woke up one night with the same symptom as you, her hubby was scared too because she could not speak, she was spliring hear words. She thought she had a brain tumor or a stroke.
They phoned an ambulance. The ambulance came and the paramedics took her into the ambulance to check her over. They asked her if she had been under any stress lately.
"Stress my middle name is stress" she said.
The paramedic geantle smiled at her and said that is was anxiety and she needed to ingore the symptom and try and get some me time and learn how to relax.
If it was of any comfort to her, he had been off work a couple of months ago with the same symtpoms.
She did not have this symptom again.

Hope this helps



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

09-02-06, 12:16
Hi Tom

I get this sometimes and it's not nice to have it's part of anxiety it don't last long though. So try not to worry too much.

take care
linda xx

23-10-08, 00:58
wow, i've been experiencing this exact thing! i've been freaking out horribly about it, and reading this has calmed me down unbelievably. i've been under a lot of stress lately, so it makes perfect sense, and i'm no longer terrified i have a tumor or some other malady.

23-10-08, 01:31
ive gotten many weird feelings in my face. one time i couldnt even feel myself picking my own nose :roflmao: talk about creepy

23-10-08, 10:13
It's just your mind playing tricks, I get it too. Ignore it and it'll go away :)
PS: Malv, how can you not feel yourself picking your own nose? LOL Ozzie, ozzie ozzie.. Oi! lol

23-10-08, 10:28
Hey Tom

I've had trouble with my sinuses, especially on the right side of my face, for several months. When it first started I was absolutely convinced that my right eyelid was drooping, that's just what it felt like. But I'd look in the mirror and my eye looked normal - no droop. It was the sinus pressure. I get it in my forehead, under my eye and across my cheek too. Sometimes it feels like tingling, others numbness, most often it feels like there is something pressing down on the area. It's worse when I'm anxious. Sinus inflammation can cause the dizziness too. Sinuses, eh? What are they good for :). I think you've just got sinus pressure + anxiety. No worries. Hope that helps.

PS Malv - you'll have to ask BraveKelly to slap your hand away next time she sees you engaging in unconcious nasal exploration :winks:.

23-10-08, 10:46
Yes i get exactly the same thing when im going through a time when my stress levels are high, my gp says its all down to stress/anxiety. When im feeling less stressed i dont get the numb feeling.....sucks doesnt it.
Take care and hope your feeling better now.