View Full Version : rescue remedy

minnie h
04-06-10, 05:59
i keep hearing about rescue remedy.wer do u get it from and is it safe?? Hope u all av a gud day 2day! X x

04-06-10, 07:05
Yeah works ok for me in certain situations. Doesn't work so good for me if I'm havin a bad panic attack as I found out yesterday. You can get it from here on the online shop or from boots but it's more expensive there. I've got the spray but you can get drops to put in water or pastille thingys. It don't taste too good. but it works for mild anxiety.

04-06-10, 07:52

I'm using herbal tablets called quiet life, I'm also taking sertraline, maybe its just in my head but they do seem to take the edge off when I have those stressful times some days. Rescue Remedy is supposed to be good too both can be bought from Boots or Holland and Barrett.


04-06-10, 07:56
I tried the Rock rose Rescue remedy. I put a few drops on a hanky to inhale but as Pokerface says above, has a little effect on mild anxiety.
My last bout ( 10 years ago), I used Kalms to take the edge off and they worked well.

sarah jayne
04-06-10, 09:16
They sell it in the chemist at asda cheap x

minnie h
04-06-10, 09:17
thanks guys.when i woz in labour wiv my second baby i woz told that i wud hav to hav an emergancy c section so had a panic attack while in labour and my midwife put this aromertherapy oil onto my nighty n it woz so gud it calmd me down straight away but really cnt remember wat scent it woz so thort id giv sumthing else a try! X x

04-06-10, 10:48
I've just seen some of the rescue remedies on the NMP shop (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/shop/) which look pretty reasonably priced, not tried any but heard a few people say they use them.