View Full Version : here we go again

jaded jean
04-06-10, 06:13
Its only been a couple of days, I am probably asking too much,
The early morning anxiety seems to have become more intense, thankfully the chatterbox is not so apparent. Its ironic that I have Lily Allens song 'The Fear' going round in my head.
I know what its all about- its the flipping return to work . My mind has had plenty of time through the night to pick little bits out and MAGNIFY it and turn it into a negative.
I suppose it will only go when I start back.......

04-06-10, 07:12
Morning Jean
I'm sitting here with the same anxiety, and I have been ok for a few months now!! I have the fear and the chatterbox at the moment and I've got to get on a blooming train, one of my worst fears :-) Only finished therapy last week and she was so pleased with me....grrrrr :mad:
You are working yourself up because of your return to work and yes you are probably magnifying everything ten-fold but it won't be half as bad as you are imagining, I promise.
Negative, negative, negative that's how my mind is this morning, full of what if's and I need to get ready!!!!!!
Jannie x x

jaded jean
04-06-10, 07:22
Bless you Jannie,
In not having regular appoinments with my doctor as he was my only means of support through this I wonder if I am the same. it is the emotional crutch isnt it. You get used to it always being there- and when it goes you fall over,
Get yourself ready and Push the boundaries!! Have a good day and I will pm you later to see how you got on.
Jean xx

04-06-10, 07:28
Thanks Jean, you too have a good day :-) I'm sitting here debating whether to go and I know I have to, I'm not giving in to this blooming thing :mad: I'll speak to you later and thanks. I'm gonna make an appt with my nice Dr if I can today, just to see what he thinks, hope I don't have to have the meds increased again!! It feels like I always need a crutch of some sort, be it my son, my dear friend and neighbour, my work colleagues or the therapist, they have all been there for me, but I want to feel better without having to keep falling back on them, I'm usually so blooming strong, oh frigging hell, just get ready you silly old moo!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's what my head keeps saying to me, well something a bit stronger actually :-)
Jannie x x