View Full Version : anxiety and fear of dying

04-06-10, 09:21
hi everyone im new here looking forward to chatting with you all x :)

04-06-10, 09:22
Hi christina

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-06-10, 09:26
hi nicola thank you for the welcome :)

sarah jayne
04-06-10, 10:49
Hi christina, like you i suffer from anxiety and every day im scared that im going to die, is awful, it doesnt help that i always seem to be ill. Where in the uk are you from ? Im from lancs. If you ever want a chat then pm me.
sarah x

Vanilla Sky
04-06-10, 11:37
Hi Christina , Welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

06-06-10, 21:01
hi I'm new and I am really scared of dying, I'm also scared of killing myself with stress. I like how I feel abit more normal on here already thankyou x

15-07-10, 22:54
Hi Christina, welcome i hope this site helps you, i havent been a member that long but also suffer from anxiety and am so scared of dying & leaving my kids you really are not alone but it does feel that way, i am really suffering at the moment as the right side of my face feels numb really hope its anxiety but of cause the mind plays tricks on us & convinced its something terrible, people really don`t know how it feels to be constantly worried about dying instead of enjoying living, it really helps me to realise i`m not alone and hope it will help you, take care xx

17-07-10, 08:51
Hi all,

I'm new to this site only just signed up now :) ... i suffer from GAD and high Anxiety about dying. hopefully we can all support each other and help each other through the bad times.


17-07-10, 09:33
this is also my fear, if you look through the threads i think it is the main one!
i have always had it but got worse after having my children, i felt like i was the only one until i found this site!
welcome looking forward to speaking to you in the future

pat xx

17-07-10, 11:14
Welcome to the board christina. I hope you find the forum helpful!

Good luck in getting better :)

18-07-10, 20:44
hi im new to and i feel just like you ive been put on sertraline 6 days ago and was taken off citalopram at the moment i feel like my whole body is so heavy and weak each time i move i want to lie back down again

20-07-10, 17:27
Hi all,

I feel exactly the same way, although more that something will happen to me and I will die. I am also scared that I will get to the point where I will want to die but I don't.


Hannah x

20-07-10, 17:39
I think everybidy with anxiety at some point is scared if dying. I remember when I had my nerveous break down and was in ER the doc was asking me do you feel like you are going to die? And couldn't say yes, because I didn't feel it. I was so confused and nomb that didn't know if I felt anything. The worst was nobody could explain anything to me, to talk , to try and understand they just pump you with sedatives. And only later when more symptoms were developing I became scared of death.