View Full Version : Absentminded/memory

04-06-10, 10:11
Not sure how to describe this one, but i'll do my best!!

I tend to find that i'm thinking of 1000 things at once, from what i'm gonna have for dinner, what health concern i have, whats on tv, the conversation i'm having with my boyfriend/mum/friend, what shopping i need to do....the list goes on. What i'm getting frustrated about is that i completely lose track of things and get forgetfull and fear i'm losing my memory. Of course i can remember my name, where i live, etc, its just everything else that i can't keep track off. I'm forcusing on it and getting crazy trying to remember every detail of everything, i feel like i'm going mad!!!!

Help!! does anyone else feel like this?

04-06-10, 10:54
I believe that this is something quite normal for someone who is under stress all the time and feels anxious. I used to feel this way ALL the time, for months. It still happens, but not as much.

Your mind is simply racing at a million miles per hour and is trying to be at a hundred different places at once. Even the smallest and most innocent thought, like “what’s on TV” can seem overwhelming. Given this amount of overload, it's logical that you will not be able to remember some, seemingly, mundane things. Things that people might expect you to remember. Very often I used to walk into a room and forget what I went there for, even though I was thinking about it on my way to the room, just 2 seconds ago! Or, I would struggle to remember what I did a day or two ago. Not that I had forgotten completely, I hadn’t, it was just my mind was sooooo tired from the constant overload that it was just difficult to focus on that memory!

As far as trying to remember every single detail in things, I think that this is something which happens commonly with people like us. You realise that your mind isn't working the way it used to and it's not working in the way which other people's minds seemingly work. So, in order to prove to yourself that you are not going crazy, that you are not loosing your mind etc. you try to remember EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about the tings that you are doing, things that you are seeing, etc. When you think about it though, this is the complete opposite of what your mind actually needs :) In a way, it's denial. You are trying to dismiss the fact that your brain is functioning in a different state by trying to force "normality". Again, this is perfectly understandable. Your mind is already significantly overloaded so trying to force even more information into it will probably just make things worse.

You have nothing to worry about. You've simply forgotten how to control your thoughts :) It may sound stupid but you need to remind yourself that YOU control you mind and your thoughts, they DON'T control you. Try to give your mind a rest, although I know that it can be difficult. Spend some time thinking about absolutely nothing, just try to blank out your mind and give your brain a rest. I had an awesome experience once. I went to this place which had what they called a "quiet room". You go into this completely sound isolated room with very, very dim lights. There were 4-5 pods arranged around the room. They were basically like egg shells and you just sat in them. I sat in one and initially I automatically started listening for any sounds. There were none. After about 1 minute, I felt completely relaxed; my mind was at complete ease. It felt like all the worries and distractions of the world had disappeared. No one could disturb me, I was thinking about nothing! I spent about 10-15 minutes in that room and when I walked out, I felt a sort of "freshness" which I hadn't felt in a while. My mind was relaxed.

04-06-10, 21:11
Thank you for your comment, makes sense, today I was over loading my brain, trying to remember things, stupid things like, remembering parts of a movie!! the piece of paper i threw in the bin in town today, and which bin did i throw it in to!!! this is crazy stuff! i just beat myself up trying to remember it all, that my brain has shut down and is telling me to stop!!!

Maybe I just need to chill and maybe not remember every single detail of everything.

Frustrating though, thanks again
