View Full Version : Head worries. Looking for advice

Natalie x
04-06-10, 12:44
Hi. I'm looking for some advioce please. I've been having funny sensations in my head again and a second ago my hands started to feel tingly and my legs feel all funny. I'm really scared that it's a stroke or something really bad. Has anyoen ever had this before? Please reply!

04-06-10, 12:50
Hi, Yes, I had numb cheek and left side of my head, tingly hand, arm and fingers and sleepy feeling in my left leg, all on the left side. I seem to adopt an awkward angle at computer and also have had blocked up ears, could either of these be similar in your case?

Natalie x
04-06-10, 13:03
Hi Lucy. I sit at an angle in work at my desk, but I have been rushing around all morning as 2 of my colleagues are off today, so do you think maybe that could be the cause of my fuzzy head? I also wear glasses for on the computer. Any other advice?

04-06-10, 13:54
Heya Natalie!

Goodness my head troubles are crazy sometimes! I get numbness in my face and it feels like inside my head is numb. Sometimes it just feels like there's this pressure pushing from inside my head and face. I constantly feel 'funny' and my limbs always feel 'weird'. It's hard to describe, it just doesn't feel 'right'. I also get tingly fingers and toes sometimes (this is related a lot to hyperventilation so focus on nice even breathing when this happens :))

Natalie x
04-06-10, 14:47
Hi Amiee. Thank you for your reply. Also, I have been rushing around in work all day as 2 of my colleagues are off today and I'm worried that might bring somethign on! It's such a vicious circle! Do you think it's nothing?

04-06-10, 15:42
Hi, Glad Im not the only one with these problems, I too wear glasses I definitely think frequent computer use contributes to these feelings as its like RSI symptoms.

06-06-10, 13:56
Natalia, don't worry yourself too much over it. I find that the busier and more rushed I am the worse my head feelings are! All that the rushing and stressing is bringing on is anxiety which sounds like the main cause in your case :) I know it feels horrible, I'm feeling that way at the moment (going through a rough patch with uni exams all at once along with work!). Just remember it's all anxiety and when you don't focus on it you won't feel it :)