View Full Version : lungs!!!!

04-06-10, 14:09
Can anyone relate to this? I feel like my breathing isnt right but i dont mean hyperventilating. Its not that i am gasping for breath but at the bottom of my neck inside where the hole is where you can put your finger in(not a very good description sorry)it feels irritated. It feels like i have been eating strong mints or been over excercising and its affecting my breath.Even strong smells seem to irritate it.I also have a pain in my back,no energy,loose stools,foggy head,no appetite etc and i am thinking its something serious like lung cancer.I am having a chest x ray on monday and i am beside myself with worry.My bloods were ok and my chest sounds clear and my blood oxygen levels are fine.
Am i over reacting and making myself worse? I am driving my partner insane saying i am dying as he thinks its depression and anxiety and he keeps saying the doctors dont seem worried because my bloods were ok.

04-06-10, 15:46
nobody? I am worried.

jaded jean
04-06-10, 16:00
Hi Zippy
it probably is anxiety doing this - you have catalogued familiar symptoms of it. as it comes in many guises.
if you trust your GP then you must accept what he has said -failing that get a second opinion. try and distract yourself and relax a little bit. But try not to dwell on it and you might find that some of the symptoms disappear.
Keep strong.

04-06-10, 16:32
Hi thanks for reply. I cant stop dwelling on it because i feel so ill,i keep getting pains in my back and side and i just feel awful. I want to be reassured that my bloods are ok but i just feel that ill that i cant be.

jaded jean
04-06-10, 16:40
That could be that you are letting it get the better of you, you aare letting it overide your thoughts, YOU are the one in control. Try this ...Squeeze your fists really tight and take a breath in.. hold for the count of five and blow out thru your mouth. and unclench your fists slowly-do this until you notice a calmness. IT does work.

04-06-10, 18:19
Thats just it i dont feel in control.I feel so ill and i feel no one believes me and everyone just says i am depressed and anxious but i do genuinely feel like i have something wrong and its going to be to late by the time they find it.

jaded jean
04-06-10, 19:11
Could it be that you are checking your breathing too much? this would send you into a tailspin,
what medication are you on zippy??

04-06-10, 19:23
fluoxetine and the doc gave me some sleeping tablets.

jaded jean
04-06-10, 19:30
Right, how long have you been on them and which sleeping tablets do you take hun??

04-06-10, 19:32
I have been on fluoxetine for 3-4 weeks and the sleeping tabs are zomivone but i have only took about 5 of them.

jaded jean
04-06-10, 19:38
:bighug1:Fluoxetine can take a good month or so to kick in , when I was on them, with each tablet I took Isaid to myself every day that 'tomorrow I will feel better' it was my little mantra. You must focus in something different to take the attention away from your breathing you CAN do it , it will take a little practice but each step closer is a positive step!! Your sleeping tablets should be working within days I would say I am not totally certain so I wont give you quack info only what I have experienced myself.

BE STRONG:bighug1: jEAN

04-06-10, 19:42
Ok thanks for your replies. xx