View Full Version : I dont like this hay fever

jaded jean
04-06-10, 16:04
Hi all.
What I thought was a possible chest infection turns out to hay fever!! I have never felt so rough in all the times I have had it. I am asthmatic anyway so I am really wheezy - dizzy as well and this some how is making me feel more anxious.
Any one else experienced this

04-06-10, 17:59
Hi Jean

I'm a fellow wheezer and can honestly say this year has been the worst that I can remember for hayfever, I'm not sure why.

I have been using my inhalers a lot, have had to increase my steroid meds (Im on them permanently) just so I can get some relief with my breathing.
I have also been affected at night which is a real pain..waking up with a combination of blocked nose and sudden sneezing fit!

I think the old boring advice is probably the best, shutting the windows etc..although it does annoy me to have to do it!

Cetirizine works best for me (Zirtek) but also an air purifier might help a bit.

Good luck (and as Im writing this my neighbour is cutting his grass..must be 2 feet high! :mad:)

jaded jean
04-06-10, 19:05
Hi ladybird64.
I am I will say lucky as I only have the ventolin and beclametasone inhalers. Its awful having to shut the doors and windows. I was prescribed cetirizine yesterday I am just psyching myself up to take it. Are you on anti depressants by any chance??

04-06-10, 21:01
Hi again Jean

Yes hun, I am on Citalopram 20mg as well as meds for the asthma and high blood pressure.

I have had no adverse reaction at all from taking the Cetirizine with the Citalopram..hope this puts your mind at rest a little bit. :)

05-06-10, 10:50
I get bad hayfever, I take a Loratadine in the morning and a Citirizine in the evening and this really helps. Also try taking Beconase nasal spray, really good at unblovking your nose, all can be bought in chemists (the tablets I get for 70p or so in Wilkinsons for a weeks supply).

jaded jean
05-06-10, 15:09
Thanks ladybird and Cat.
Still suffering but not as wheezy. just DIZZY !! thanks for the recommendations