View Full Version : So many tests, need to stop

fed up
04-06-10, 18:05
So far my life goes like this - feel ill > go to doctor > have appropriate tests > tests come back all normal > feel fine and forget that I was ever feeling ill.

Up to know the tests haven't been to invasive. Blood tests, ecg, stool samples, physical examination etc. Nothing too drastic.

Only now I am looking at having a colonoscopy. This isn't a small test like the others and I'm kind of worried about having it. The thing is, the symptoms are very real and I'm not sure some of them are caused by anxiety. For example, I have ibs-d which is worsened by anxiety but I have also been passing mucus and blood which I don't think is normal. However, blood tests and stool samples have come back normal. Physical examination = normal. I'm young and no history of cancer in the family. Doctor doesn't seem too concerned but has offered further testing i.e. colonoscopy.

But I'm scared about having it. Especially as I have a feeling that it's going to be like all the other times where I'll have it; it'll come back normal, I'll forget about it and feel better. On the one hand that sounds great but on the other I feel so stupid at having to go through such an invasive test all because of my stupid anxiety which is all caused by my mind anyways

I'm just so frustrated!! I want these symptoms to stop but I don't want this test. I KNOW there isn't anything seriously wrong with me and the doctors seem to think so too and yet I can't help but keep thinking that I have something seriously wrong with me and researching everything it could be etc. Anyways, this was kind of a vent but I was wondering whether anyone had any advice? Should I just do it and get it over with and probably feel better?

04-06-10, 22:58
Awww I'm really sorry about your predicament. Have you ever spoken with a counsellor about your health fears? It might be worth talking to your doctor and asking if you could talk to someone?

I hope you get some relief soon - stay positive.

Wendy xx

05-06-10, 05:37
I can understand your feeling about these all but How can we solve this. Actually doctors and illness is the thing that not only you but anybody can be frustrated like you, so I pretending you as a normal guy. Just take taste regularly and have a safe life.