View Full Version : Panic Attack?

04-06-10, 19:09
Hi all,
I am 33, and i had my first panic attack when i was 21, but i only finally realized what it was couple of years ago. So at that time, when it happened for the first time, i was going trough a very emotional and stressful period of time. One day i was having lunch with my family and suddenly i felt some tingling just next to my right eye, it was kinda unpleasant. I got up to go and wash my face and as i walked to the kitchen my heart started beating really fast and hard, i felt lightheaded and really weak in general. I had no idea what was happening to me, thought i was dying and had to be rushed to ER. After being checked by a doctor i have been given something to calm me down and sent home. But the next day the same thing happened. And the next... Even though i went trough all of the medical check-ups, and everything was perfectly fine, i was never diagnosed with panic disorder. I was told that it was psychosomatic and that it will go away. And after a month or so of less and less frequent episodes it did, and i never had another one for 6 years.
Then in 2007 it came back. Again, i was under a lot of stress, but positive stress this time. I was moving from one country to another, got a great job, was really looking forward to it. But apparently, stress is stress, no matter if it is good or bad. The attack was really bad that time. Very sudden and unexpected. I was at a friends place, relaxing, chatting the evening away...and thats when it hit me. It felt like a heat wave, it started at my legs and climbed up towards my chest,arms and head. My heart started beating really fast and strong, i felt pins and needles in my arms and kept shaking them, my head was burning...but the worst of all was a feeling that i was loosing my mind and this great fear about it. It lasted for about 10-15 minutes, and i was utterly exhausted afterward. For the next few days i was constantly very afraid of having another episode, but luckily i didnt. This is when i looked the symptoms up on the internet and realized that it was a panic attack.
Its been over 2 years since that time, and i got few attacks since then. None of them was too bad, but it was scary every time nevertheless. But few days ago i had another big one. And this time after the attack was gone, the anxiety stayed. It literally felt like i want to jump out of my skin!!! I couldnt stand being me!! Again i was very afraid that the panic attack will come back, but at the same time i had other symptoms like tightness of the jaw (i still feel that), my arms and legs tense constantly, feeling like i need to move coz i would feel worse when i calm down... this is a feeling that i dont recognize...is this a chronic anxiety? am i gonna have this serious problem now that is gonna get worse? today i am feeling a little bit better, not so nervous, but im really scared of what might happen next. Can someone pls tell me that my case is not so serious and it will only keep happening once in a blue moon, if ever? Or is it gonna get worse?:unsure:
Sorry for such a long post...I just really needed to get it off my chest.

04-06-10, 19:15
Hi mishucence

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-06-10, 19:18
Hi there and welcome to NMP.

I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well lately. Panic attacks can turn into chronic anxiety but it's still very treatable. I would advise you to go and see a doctor that can suggest a form of therapy/treatment. It really does sound like you need to get this sorted, but that doesn't mean you'll never be rid of it!

Hope you start to feel better soon and find the forum useful.

04-06-10, 22:09
Thank you. It helps to know there r others with the same problem.

05-06-10, 20:57
My mother and I both suffer from panic disorder and while I have never asked to be taken to the ER, I have been close. She, on the other hand, has been to the ER a few times with chest pain associated with anxiety. The last time she went, they had her hooked up to a monitor while she was having an attack to show her that there was nothing wrong with her heart (our doctor is a cardiologist - thank god!), so we know how it feels.

I get the chest pains a lot and for me, talking about it to someone who understands really helps. If people haven't had a true panic attack it, they really don't understand (in my experience) so it's good to have someone you can talk to, which is why I'm hoping that this website helps. If you have sporadic attacks, like me than a script for Xanax or something similar is a life saver when you cannot calm yourself down.

There are also many breathing techniques you can use to slow down your breath, and I can assure you that practicing yoga does wonders for anxiety.