View Full Version : is this anxiety??

minnie h
04-06-10, 20:50
hi..i keep geting this feeling in my chest like a heavy numb feelin its just above my boobs but in the centre if that makes sense.it duz cum and go and after a while it feels like tingly,it duz feel quite sore when i touch the area but am not sure if thats becoz iv been proding it lol. Sumtimes it goes up to the front ov my throat (outside).n sumtimes it goes towards both armpit areas,it duz feel abit like tension wen it does that...i went to the docs two wks ago tho not for this,but he listend 2 my chest and lungs n said they wer fine,n he listend 2 my heart n said it sounded gud making all the rite noises etc etc (im only 24) anyway i do tense the top ov my arms into my sides and tense my shoulders quite alot so cud this anxiety/tension giv me this feeling in my chest,also get alot ov burping and a nurse that i saw said i had a bit ov dyspepsia.tho i dnt no wot dyspepsia is??

04-06-10, 23:23
Dyspepsia is just an upset tummy
that feeling is tension, I get it all the time from unconciously tensing that area because of my heart fears.
The more I focus on it the worse it feels, try and relax, take a few minutes a day to deep breathe and unwind and if you so find it's happening try and distract your mind
take care xx