View Full Version : Anyone else feel like they're going around in circles?

05-06-10, 01:05
Not physically... (now that i've said that that'll probably be my NEXT symptom...)

But where health anxiety is concerned.

I'm so sick of it now. For the last 10 months I've been worrying, paniking, going to the doctors or A&E, having tests done then feeling relieved for a while just to start worrying about something else soon after. :lac:

It's really getting me down now.
It started with chronic worries about my heart post panic attack, then I thought I had clots, tumor, a bloody pheo... something or another on my adrenaline gland, then back to my heart, lungs, my heart again... I am so fed up with it now!!!!!:wacko:

I've had sooooooo many ECG's it's not even funny. I've had more blood taken than a normal person would in their lifetime (I'm 21)

NOTHING has ever been found yet I'm still convinced that death is waiting for me around every corner... :scared15:

I've been for CBT twice and that hasn't done much. It's made my panic attacks calm down but it's done nothing for my constant worry. :unsure:

At times I feel in control of this panic but other times I question whether I have anxiety at all!!! Does anyone else get like this?

I was getting palps today and took myself to A&E (seems to be my new hobby over the past 10 months) and they found nothing on my ECG but said they would hook me up to a monitor and see how I went. So ya know that beeping sound on those monitors that beep for every heart beat? Well they proper freak me out, I can't seem to ignore it, it makes me twice as anxious as I'm looking for any sort of irregularity. Then all of a sudden the beeping stopped! :ohmy: OMG I thought I was dying, I was in a right state, but it turns out one of the leads came off. I was in a right tizzy!! :ohmy:

Got the all clear and left the hospital feeling drained and just fed up which has led me to this gigantic thread (sorry). :blush:

Why the heck am I still worrying about dropping dead even though I've had sooooo many tests done? :mad: You'd think that would be enough to convince me? But nope! I always think that I'll be the one that has the rare undetectable heart condition that pops her clogs before her time. :unsure:

I hate this anxiety!! Is there any other way of getting help for it other that meds and CBT?

Sorry for the rant by the way. :blush:

05-06-10, 08:54
OMG I'm exactly the same as you!

I'm 20 and I've had a lot of ECG's done but none in the last 3 months which makes me worry I've developed something even though it's impossible! I freak out over every twinge in my chest used to be the left side but now it's central, even thinking about it is enough to send me into a massive panic attack as I found out on Thursday! I had a few good weeks but I had 2 panic attacks this week which has set me right off again, I keep thinking theres something wrong with my heart and I'm just waiting for the massive chest pain that starts with a heart attack! I keep telling myself I'm too young and my heart is healthy but I can't help but worry which gives me pain and a fast heart beat, even just sitting here writing it out to you I'm gettin all anxious and keep thinking my chest hurts in the centre. Funny how when I thought my heart pain was the left hand side I got all my pain there but now I know where it is the pain has miraculously moved haha :D

On Thursday I had a classic panic attack, rushes of adrenaline, couldn't breathe, starting sweating and shaking and crying, I KNEW in my head it was a panic attack but I was jus like no this is it I'm gonna die.

Everytime I get cramp in my leg I'm half way out the door like OMG DVT!! Or I had back pain yesterday and I immediately assumed it was my lungs then I couldn't breathe for hours and worked myself right up. It's really horrible isnt it? OH!! Also I stopped eating this week and I had no idea why, but I just physcially can't eat everytime I try to it feels like I can't swallow it then comes the gag reflex..so unladylike haha. Been pondering it for a while and realised I'm scared of getting indegestion lmao!! I've honestly NEVER had it but I remember reading somewhere, someone had indigestion and they mistook it for a heart attack and I was like oh God no can't be doin with that, so I guess subconsiously I'm stopping myself from eating lol! Health anxiety sucks doesn't it?

IDK what to to about this either so sorry I can't help you with that, jus lettin you know theres someone out there whos pretty much the same as you xx

05-06-10, 11:53
Yes i feel like this. I am currently feeling awful and i have convinced myself i have lung cancer even though i have had my bloods done,chest is clear and blood oxygen levels are fine.But because i feel awful and i have a pain in my back and side i cant get out of my head i have something undetected.I stay in bed all day and live like i have been told i have it.My friend keeps saying why cant i be reassured with my bloods being ok, and i cant answer her.

05-06-10, 16:08
I always feel like this when the palps are bad. Not any other time though. The palps make me feel I am going around in a circle of fear