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fretty freda
05-06-10, 02:37
after 10 years of taking every med under the sun for anxiety and depression i have had enough i am going to try life med free maybe this will be bad ? i am now weened down to 2.5 mg after a while i reduce dose every 6 months when i think i can cope (THINK BEING KEY WORD) my head goes to jelly on the right side when reducing dose how long does it last i forgot ?

also i have problems with being around people for long periods of time i start to drift off a little i feel like i need time to think and process my own thoughts , i hope people do not think i seem not with it does it mean if i feel that way people can notice ?? i hope not .

also i sometimes notice i say the wrong thing eg the bypass used to be smith road instead of the bypass which is smith road same thing used to be the railway line duh i notice myself making these bluffs sometimes but i worry i could be making them more often than i realsie ??? is it in my mind ?? would people tell me if i was making these bluffs all the time and not noticing ?? i hope they would

05-06-10, 14:31
I am also going to try and do it without meds. I wish you good luck. Baggs.

05-06-10, 22:46
Hi Frettyfreda,

It sounds sensible to give med free life a try after being on meds so long. Good luck with that. Why do you think it will be bad? Try and be positive about it working for you. Stick to your reduction plan and only deal with side effects if they happen. Im med free, im ok lol.

I wanted to ask you why are you worried about whether people think 'you seem not with it' or if your saying the correct words / right thing - what does it mean to you? Also if you realise you make a mistake saying something, do you correct yourself? I know my words used to get a bit mixed up sometimes when i was anxious.

My attention span isnt always great when Im with other people and standing around chatting does nothing for me. I dont see it as a problem though, its just how I am. If im not actually doing something I get bored easierly. Do you mean the same thing?

Anyway take care

05-06-10, 23:20
good luck to you-i always feel spaced out around people after awhile like its a dreamstate or something thought it was just me

fretty freda
06-06-10, 00:17
gabbyevs no its not just you its like your mind thinks right had enough now go away people i want to think inside my head my thoughts not focus on you and what your saying i aint bothered bout this i am bothered people may notice no one ever told me though.

Andrew i want to appear the same as other people it means alot for me to appear to others that i am with it , the only people i have ever noticed who seem not with it are either drunk on drugs or have something wrong with them i dont want that.

and also Andrew if i notice i get mixed up yes i correct myself but thats ok its the fact that i may do it (I DONT KNOW UNLESS SOMEONE TELLS ME ) they notice and i dont notice then they think she always gets mixed up or then i appear to have something noticably wrong i dont want that either.

Also how am i going to cope in the future when i am put in places with people for long periods of time eg more than a few hours i dont want to be in that situation and i will avoid it for the rest of my life will this be possible when i have children in future?? i dont want to try and over come it because i am happier having breathing space.

fretty freda
06-06-10, 18:21
somewere on this site there is a very helpfull list of feelings and what causes then i cant find it today to print it off ... anyone know ??

fretty freda
06-06-10, 20:17
i have been alternating 5mg 2.5 mg for the past week and i have hit a low feeling really down and very demotivated should i go back to 5mg everynight for now URGENT ADVICE NEEDED WOULD THIS HELP ?