View Full Version : Tina Teaspoon

05-06-10, 10:58
Hi I'm new to this site

I'm a 34 year old women who is happily married with 3 children, over the last 4 to 5 months I have been suffering from panic attacks / anxiety symptoms include feel like I can't breathe, lump in throat and can't swallow, light headed, heart racing and feeling I can't cope.

Started taking Citalopran and have been on it a week, the trouble is I feel terrible sick and ill every morning and it takes me a good couple of hours to feel normal again.

Has anyone else had this?

I used to be an outgoing person but now I would quite happy to stay at home, will these tablets start to help me feel normal again?

05-06-10, 10:59
Hi tinawhitehead

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-06-10, 11:11
Hi Tina
Welcome to NMP and just a quick question, are you having something to eat when you take your Cit? I found that if I took it on an empty stomach, it made me feel a fair bit queazy when I tried to eat later.

Pop over to the Citralopram forum (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=49) and read a few of the posts, there is plenty of support and advice from others like myself there.

Better days Tina.

Tia Maria
05-06-10, 11:13
Hi Tina
You poor thing - I can sympathize with you totally. I started having panic attacks after my daughter was born and have bouts of them on-and-off but there is so much help and support now that you should not feel alone. I also started Citalopram and they do make you feel a bit sick for the first couple of weeks but when your body gets used to them, I found them really helpful. Do you take them in the morning and if so, you should take them with food, even if it is only a piece of toast - as this will help. I joined this group almost a week ago and hope to be able to go on-line soon so may speak to you there. Feel free to chat anytime. Maria

Vanilla Sky
05-06-10, 11:41
Hi and welcome to NMP, you will get support here :welcome: Paige x