View Full Version : new here really needing help and advice

05-06-10, 12:08
hey i'm new here :) I really could do with some help. I have always had anxiety and depression from the anxiety, it would often go away for years, but since august last year I have had constant dp/dr with my anxiety, from september to december I lived in hell, I hardly knew where I was, my dreams felt more real, very spaced out, i was so bad. Over january to May I coped well, I was on prozac for a bit which might have helped but I decided to come of that a few months back. It is all back though, the past few weeks I have been having such strong dp/dr I hate it, i'm only 22 and can't live like this any longer. I have been giving citalopram but im so scared to take it as I cannot think of being any worse than I am :( please help me guys.



05-06-10, 12:16
Hi bigpmcd

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-06-10, 12:20
Hi bigpmdc,
Welcome to NMP and hope you find some help on here, there are plenty of us willing to offer advice and support here to help you get through. Visit the Citalopram forums (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=49) and read some of the posts by people like myself who have been on Cit for a while or are just starting out like yourself. Be sure to read the sticky at the top of the forum too, PsychoPoet's Citalopram Survival Guide, it's very helpful.

Keep posting and don't be afraid to ask for help here.

05-06-10, 12:26
thanks guys for a warm welcome, I feel awful today feel like just curling up into a ball and dying it's horrible :( im so scared to take citalopram I can't feel worse than this surely :( hope your all okay and better than me

05-06-10, 13:06
The first week or so can be difficult, but once the meds get to work they can give you the space you need to deal with it in the long term. Have a read of my diary thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=75400) and check out some of the other threads people post in giving details of their Cit journeys.

If you take the leap and start the meds, you could keep a diary yourself so you can look back and see how you've improved over the weeks and let others see how far you've come as the meds begin to take effect.