View Full Version : horrible taste?

05-06-10, 13:03
Does anyone have a constant horrible taste in there mouth? Its not metallic. My mouth just feels constantly horrid and manky. Anyone have this or knows what its with?

05-06-10, 14:44
ive had that before but it went away i would get it checked if it lasts for ages but i reckon its just one of those wierd bodily things.
once my mum was complaining cola tasted metallic for like months then it went away......probably hormonal changes or something!

05-06-10, 14:57
I dont think they would take any notice if i said i have a horrid taste in my mouth because i have that many other symptoms. I just wondered if it was another lovely symptom of anxiety.

05-06-10, 15:00
no i dont think its anxiety but i think if you were not anxious you would think..........lol thats a funny taste and forget about it.

05-06-10, 15:03
I know i am sick of all these symptoms, i feel awful. I have convinced myself i have lung cancer even though my bloods are ok, chest is clear and blood oxygen levels are fine.Why cant i be normal and feel reassured?

05-06-10, 15:09
what is going through your head why you dont feel reassured.

my thoughts are: they wont check the whole neck
write down your thought and try and challenge it i guess