View Full Version : looking for some advice

05-06-10, 14:21
the other month while prodding my neck i saw like a 'lump' so i went doctors and they had a feel and said it is ok but would send me for an ultrasound.

the ultrasound letter has come back and said 'ultrasound of thyroid'.

so here is the problem: im scared that what i saw was not part of the thyroid and they will miss the 'lump' so i was going to ask at the ultrasound appointment for them to scan my whole neck although if they say no my health anxiety will get much worse because i will know for sure that 'ultrasound of thyroid' means just that and the rest of neck is NOT checked.

or should i just trust the doctor have the test and try and relax .........this way i can hold on to the hope that they may be checking everything anyway.

thanx guys

05-06-10, 14:36
I am in the same predicament i thought i was getting a whole abdominal ultrasound scan and when the letter has came it says a pelvic scan.I was also wondering if i can say to them to do everything to put my mind at rest but i dont think they will. Sorry cant help but just to let you know i am having the same issues. xx

05-06-10, 14:41
hey zippy thanx for reply

do you reckon you will mention it at the scan appointment though or just let it rest so you dont keep on with the health anxiety if you see what i mean?

05-06-10, 15:13
anyone else also please guys

05-06-10, 17:15
Can you call your doctor ahead of time and ask for a more complete ultrasound?