View Full Version : Tired, Cant Eat, Bed 24/7

05-06-10, 16:43
I'm Feeling Very Tired Lately, And Keep having Hot Sweats. When i eat it has a weird effect on me. When i try get out of bed i feel all over the place and as if im about to faint. When i sit up in bed it feels as if my body is 'Swimmy' or floating upwards slowly. And my head just feels everywhere! I just have this pressured feeling in my head and my eyes feel heavy. I just dont understand. I take my blood pressure and blood sugar everyday (and its always normal) Im just not sure what this could be.

05-06-10, 16:55
I am feeling the same,tired all the time, hot sweats, nausea, head is funny, pain in back, loose bowels, crying all the time. I have no appetite and like you when i eat something i feel hot and clammy. I have just waved my partner and kids off going for a family meal and i cant go.

jaded jean
05-06-10, 16:59
What meds are you on Rubie?
It could be your body adjusting to them or when yoU sit up if you have been lying down for a long time. Anxiety does it too. try not to take your blood pressure or your blood sugars too often, I think you will frighten yourself even if the readings are slightly different.
Get out of bed once or twice a day if you can manage it and sit in a chair. I know what you are feeling like as I spent a month in bed at the begining of my breakdown. Its no fun but you have to try and push yourself a little bit further. Baby steps remember.EACH THING ACCOMPLISHED IS A NEW GOAL:hugs: keep drinking as much as you can if you dont feel like eating.

06-06-10, 10:26

I hope that you are feeling better.

A few years ago I went through much the same, I could hardly sit up in bed, my head was swimming all the time, I could not walk I was so weak, I thought I was going to die.

It got to the point that I was in a wheel chair.

I had a great doctor at the time. He got me into a day centre, this was the turning point for me. With daily cognitive training and all sorts of therapy like massage, physical trainer and daily talking therapy, even art I made a full recovery. I was out of the wheel chair within a week, but kept up the daily visits to the centre for 6 months. I learned that it was OK to feel the way I did, and being with others who also had the same was a great help to me.

It was much like this forum but with trained therapists but in the real world. This was all free on the NHS, but you need a referral from your GP, take a look at what is on offer in your area, it was a life saver for me, Peter