View Full Version : Tired spells on citalopram, do they go?

05-06-10, 19:14
Hi peeps,

I'm on day 9 of 10mg cit. Have dealt with initial SE's but just seem to be dealing with extreme bouts of tiredness in the afternoon. I take it at
night. Will this pass? I don't rem being this tired on 40mg when I took before?:(

Lou x

05-06-10, 22:00
Hi Lou,
I take my citalopram in the mornings and find myself constantly yawning throughout the day but then totally unable to sleep at night.
Not sure if I'm yawning through the tiredness from insomnia or because of the pills!
Either way, I'm pretty sure tiredness is a really common side effect of Citalopram.
Carly x

andrea thompson
05-06-10, 22:03

i have been taking cit 40mg for about six months and still get really tired sometimes. not as much as at the start though. i yawn all day - its embarassing. when i first started taking it though i used to take in the morning and by tea time i needed sleep!!!! really tired and dizzy by about four oclock. like i said it has faded and now only feel like that now and again.

take care - being tired is way better than being anxious all the time!!!! x x

05-06-10, 22:47
My tiredness is fading a little, usually when I'm occupied, when I settle down it makes me feel a bit sleepy. I was dozing off yesterday after a hot day but managed to get out for a nice walk in the evening sun and felt fairly refreshed, so it's maybe just the meds reducing the amount of adrenaline in your body that makes you tired, get it going again a bit with a walk or something and you feel ok.

And as Andrea said, it's better feeling tired than anxious :)

06-06-10, 00:56
Tiredness? I'm on the verge of taking legal action against the makers of these drugs... But as someone said, the alternative is probably far worse ... :lac:

jaded jean
06-06-10, 07:44
I am am just into my third month on cit and I am yawning like hell in the mornings. evry two minutes or so and I feel as if I could just slip into a deep sleep, but I dare not as when this first started I would wake up totally disorientated. I fight it sometime when I go to bed.

06-06-10, 19:59
Absolutely, I would rather this than the anxiety! And I still have the energy for the gym - just feel I could sleep all the time, although I did this yesterday and woke up feeling awful. Usually take about 7pm but took last nights at about midnight and the intense tiredness has just hit but it's evening so I don't mind...

Mel - what u gonna sue them for? :) x x x

06-06-10, 23:23
Some days hit me harder than others, at the moment I find I get really tired in the afternoon and early evening but then when I do go to bed I struggle to stay asleep. I think it is just one of those things. Don't focus on it and it may get better. x

07-06-10, 14:00
I'm sleeping OK as I am also on Amitriptyline and Diazepam - although to be stopped once I settle on an SSRI. It's funny how Ami and Diaz are sedating yet I find them less sedating than Citalopram? I am a strange little monkey.

jaded jean
07-06-10, 14:25
Hi loulabella.
I have just been prescribed amitryptiline 10mg for the nighttime as sleep is evading me I think. I am waking up earlier and earlier! How are you getting on with it with the citalopram??

08-06-10, 22:05
I have been taking 40mg for quite a few months...I think around 6 I think. The Citalopram works really well for me and I am doing good. But like you I am constantly tired. I'm ok in the mornings, but by the time afternoon comes around I am in bed. I do go to bed and sleep for a couple of hours during the day because I am worried I won't have the energy for when the kids come home from school.
Surprisingly, despite sleeping during the day I sleep really well at night. Since taking the Cit and a small amount of time on Zopiclone my night time sleep has well improved. So this is annoying that despite how many hours sleep I have during the night, I still feel totally exhausted by the afternoon the next day.
I don't care though...I feel like I am on the mend and if this is all I have to deal with then so be it.

Kez xx

10-06-10, 17:14
Hi JJ. Yea I'm ok. Anxiety seems to have settled but having teary spells. Only on 10 so perhaps 20 is the answer?!? I take 30 Ami for sleep/pain but hoping to stop soon as just had surgery for my pain. X how u getting on?!?

10-06-10, 17:28

I am glad this has been bought up because I thought I was alone on this one. I am on day 10 of taking 20mg of citalopram and everyone is pointing out how much I am yawning. I am not sleeping very well at the minute either except last night I slept a long time but as soon as I woke up I was yawning my head off.
Very odd but nice to know its not just me! xxxx

16-09-12, 15:43
I went food shopping this morning, first time in a couple of months, didnt feel to bad, slightly panicky but now feel so tired. Just going to start my third week on citalopram, having one good day, one bad day now. First two and a half weeks were awful. Strange thing is I took it about 6 years ago and had no side effects. So why am I experiencing thes side effects now?

little scientist
16-09-12, 18:21
Ditto Anne, I took cit for about two years and was off it for about 3 months and was put back on it two weeks ago, and I think I am having more side effects than first time round....well first time round I had no side effects at all. This time round I am a lot more tired and fuzzy headed

16-09-12, 20:32
I'm approaching week 3 on 10mg cit and I'm yawning constantly! I have finally started sleeping well by fighting the urge for an afternoon kip. When I used to give in...I would also wake really disorientated. So stopped. Now my sleep is normal. Usually in bed for 10/11 wake a few times during the night but overall not too bad a sleep. Soooo sleepy all.day though. Hope it eases but agree with everyone else. Better than anxiety! Xx

little scientist
17-09-12, 09:02
last night I was waking hourly through the night, never really being able to get comfy so I have a feeling I'll be a very tired feeling zombie later on today! Yesterday I felt like a shaky zombie most of the day, btu had a great couple of hours from around 6 or 7 pm, then as soon as I took the dose again, back to zombie. Oh well, the normality was nice while it lasted!