View Full Version : Bleeding phobia again:-(

05-06-10, 21:50
I thought this was getting better but I seem to always get anxious the week before my period/bleeding is due since my termination in December. I had a few heavy periods and they have left me terribly anxious and I can't face any bleeding down there. I had swabs done to reassure me the heavy bleeds were ok and I was put on the pill to lighten them abit.

I had a period on the pill in April and it was a tad lighter, thicker really but more painful. I did cope abit better because I had no gushes of blood, niagra falls as my GP put it. Then last month my nurse said I could carry a packet over as I had a hectic week with uni/work so could do without a period during that time. Now my pill free week is approaching in 6 days I am anxious again. I know it could be heavier as ive carried 2 packs together, but the nurse said it could also be totally normal and not heavier. I am abit worried about that I guess but mainly worried about justhaving a bleed. I hope to come off the pill by the end of the year, it was just a short term fix to see if it helped regulate my heavy bleeding abit after the operation. I just wish I could accept the bleeds, when they happen I freak out that I am going to haemorrage I think, or gush and it's the feeling of gushing that scares me, it is because I had bad gushing during my first period after the operation, it scared me so much but my GP reassured me it was normal at that time, but it has left me scared of my periods:blush:

I have read my CBT books etc... nothing seems to help the fear I have. I used to have heavy periods and never think twice about them, I still went out to work/uni, now I hibernate and dread moving off my bed, which isn't ideal having 3 children:winks:

I think I am at a loss here, I know noone can help me with this fear of the feeling of gushing, and fear of bleeding to death, it only me that can sort it out, but I just wish I knew how:blush:

I just needed to get this off my chest. Ive always had heavish periods, up to 9 days long and ive never worried before, I just want to be 'normal' again.

06-06-10, 20:04
I had this phobia after the birth of my second child for about a year. It came back in my menopause as I did have heavy periods and they scared the hell out of me. The thing is, I had and have friends who have gushing periods or have had before menopause and they survive them. Knowing that did not help me though.

Is it possible for you to have the thingy they put up inside you for birth control....sorry am out of touch with all that now :unsure:...the one that makes periods light or virtually nil? Perhaps if you had a break from normal to heavy periods you would feel less frightened. For all you know they may just get back to normal though, its hard to tell while on the pill.

You will be okay, you wont haemorrhage and the worst that can happen is its a bit heavy and even that part does not last long. Hopefully though, it will be just fine

06-06-10, 23:47
Thank you for replying.

It is only a week a month but it comes around so quickly:(

They were always heavyish since i started at 14, but i coped fine and was never scared. now i hate walking around coz of the gushing feeling, leaving the house is difficult for me as ive this fear of bleeding heavy and it not stopping:((

Re the coil, i dont fancy that inside me, eekk!

I just wish this would go away, ive had 3 children and never worried even after heavy bleeds after their births.