View Full Version : ended my relationship

06-06-10, 10:51
Felling really crap today I had to break up with my boyfriend. We went to this party last night which started out great and I wentr to the shop with this girk and a guy and we got to know each other and started talking to each other so my boyfriend started getting paranoid then the girl said to me would you crash here and I said yes and my boyfriend started getting paranoid that the other guy was gunna stay (which he wasnt) so he told me if i stayed that we were over however I then found out he was lying to me about taking drugs so I ended it and then went home but he keps threatening to take my little girl away from me and he is a good lier so i think he would get away with having her :(

13-06-10, 22:34
Hoping life is treating you with kindness and am sending you big hugs x