View Full Version : Here's a few poems i wrote

08-02-06, 22:00
Hi people if you speak to me alot you will know that i like doing poems as they seem to help me alittle to cope with all the things that are going off in my head. So i thought i'd share a couple of them here for you, hopefuly someone will beable to relate to them a bit so i dont feel so aone with these feelings that im having all the time.

Am I…
Am I so weak?
Am I so strong?
Am I really nothing?
Must I lie?
There is so much weakness in me.
So much hate and anger.
So much pain,
yet so little.
Where does it end?
Where do I end?
Am I here?
Right here, right now?
Or am I gone?
Someone save my soul.
But has it already left me?
Did it leave so long ago?
Did it leave just yesterday?
My hearts in two,
it no longer beats.
But it is whole.
Do you understand?
Do I?
The blood trickles down.
Is this real?
Or just a dream?
Make it real.
Must I live in dreams?
Can self-denial go so far?
Could I feel this way?
Have I lost my mind?
I'm not, I'm not.
I don't feel that way.
Not about that.
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Do you know?
Of course not.
Does she?
Who's she?
Can I tell them?
Mummy, I'm sick.
How can you not see?
Mummy, I'm so sick.
Mummy, I have bad thoughts.
Make them go away.
Make them go away!
Someone save me.
Is it too late?
Can I not seek redemption?
Can I get better?
What's wrong?
It's all so simple,
But too complex.
Can I survive here?
Can I survive now?
Survive what?
I'm so normal,
But such a freak.
My soul is bleeding.
But do I have a soul?
Do I have a conscience?
Am I where you are?
Am I already gone?
I feel I'm dead.
But is it true?
Can you bring me back?
Can anyone?
Is it too late?
Someone tell me...
Is it too late??

You Saved Me
Rain trickles down my face
my make up is running
I'm shivering and I'm cold
a knife to my wrist
applying pressure
pulling it across
the pain excites me
the rain washes away the blood
but i still bleed
the knife to my other wrist
but there you are
you pulled the knife away
"don’t do it"
you whisper
"I love you too much"
I sit by the fire
watching it burn
wrapped in a blanket
the bleeding stopped
I'm in the shelter of your arms
I know where I belong

The Very Best Of Me
When i give love
it is unconditionaly
and you take my love
but return so little to me

You say
You will always be there
but when times are hard
My tears fall
and fear overwhelms my soul

You turn away
so that you can say
You did not see
or hear my pain

i still love you

And when you stumble
when you fall
I shall raise you
above it all

I will not
cannot turn away
I shall always see
and hear your pain

For in this life
i can only be
That which is
the very best of me

Well ther are a few of what i have in my note books, just thought i'd share them with you all

Love ya all

cheeky monkey
09-02-06, 00:49
hi kym well done keep it up ok and pm nic to get them put on the poems page

lea n susie

09-02-06, 00:58
Hey Kym,

Thanks for sharing these hun. You are talented.(not just a pretty face)lol.
Keep it up.



09-02-06, 12:14
Hi Kym

The poems are great. I love reading peoms [^]:D

Thank you for sharing.



09-02-06, 12:17
Hi all,

I will share my poems as long as you do like them!

Would love a poems part on here so i could post them up as i have loads

love ya all


11-02-06, 21:50
yeah i agree kym and have asked b4 but nothing happened and i to would post mine on here then others could tell me what they think of rhem but keep it up kym

lea xx

26-02-06, 20:36

Very good kym.
I heard you and sensed your anguish.
I am sending waves of healing energy your way.
