View Full Version : Is this different for everyone

jaded jean
06-06-10, 13:42
I am 4 days into my third month of cit and I have started to get random periods of shaking and getting the occasional twitch is this normal at this stage??

Workplace Doctors
06-06-10, 15:22
Dear Jean,

Your situation does sound normal at this stage however a second opinion from your healthcare professional maybe an avenue you should also explore.

06-06-10, 15:29
Hello Jean,

I remember when I took citalopram I used to get random periods of shaking and this was after taking it for a while, it should settle down but I think its perfectly normal hun. If you are concerned though as workplace doctors suggests have a word with your GP.

Hope you are doing good apart from that???

Take care hun.

06-06-10, 16:25
Hello Jean
This is what happened to me after 3 months on cit and that's when my Dr increased my dosage. As Jo and workplace have said, maybe have a word with your Dr and see what they suggest. I've been on increased dosage for a few months now and still get bad days, had a bad panic the other night on the train!! Been a bit shaky since so am going back to the Dr's this week to have a word.

Hope you feel better soon.

Jannie x x

jaded jean
06-06-10, 17:44
Waseem , Jannie and Jo.
I wonder if it could be that I need the dose raising, I asked the doc last week but he said lets see as it is still early days isnt it?? I had some bad news yesterday, so I wonder if that contributed towards it. dont know. I am going to see him again tomorrow so will ask. Thank you all for your replies . I would say apart from that I am comng along ok a bit slow I feel is that the norm??

Workplace Doctors
06-06-10, 21:12
Dear Jean,

Your progress is usual.

It can slow down at stages when you would expect to have gained further results in your diagnosed period.

Speak to your healthcare professional when you see him tommorrow and discuss all the questions you may have regarding your progress and prescribed medication.

All the best for now,

06-06-10, 23:21
I am about half way through my 3rd month and I have random twitching that I didn't have to start with. I have slight visual disturbances that come and go but always catch me off guard. I also feel mentally slower, mixing up days, words etc

I think 3 months is still early days but it doesn't make the side effects any easier to cope with. Stick with it, for me a slight twitch is much better than the rolling panic attacks I was having.


07-06-10, 10:27
Hi Jean,

I know I am on different meds to you but I can totally relate to the slowness....that is one of the things I have found difficult cos I am usually like a bull in a china shop!!! Lol!!! I guess in a way thats a good thing as I did need to slow down, I always rushed in everything I did it was ridiculous.

I just think its what the meds to to us and that it is perfectly normal to feel this way.

Sorry to hear you received bad news hun...sending you a big hug!:hugs:

Take care.

07-06-10, 10:31
Hello Jean
This is what happened to me after 3 months on cit and that's when my Dr increased my dosage. As Jo and workplace have said, maybe have a word with your Dr and see what they suggest. I've been on increased dosage for a few months now and still get bad days, had a bad panic the other night on the train!! Been a bit shaky since so am going back to the Dr's this week to have a word.

Hope you feel better soon.

Jannie x x
Hi Jannie,

Sorry you been a bit shaky hun....wierd isnt it how we have a bit of a set back with panic and then it tends to linger and cause a bit of a blip. I hope that you soon feel o.k. again and it all goes away. Good luck with the GP...let us know how you get on.

I have a week off this week and have started to take the other meds my GP prescribed to try and combat this anxiety which has been so troublesome and there most days at the moment. I just want to feel normal again...if thats possible. Last week I had to travel to London on a course, I live nearby so it was only a short ride but had to get a tube etc and how I did it I'll never know but I did and felt crap doing so but managed it!!!

Take care