View Full Version : New Member

06-06-10, 14:38
Hi All

I am a 62 year old grandmother and have suffered with anxiety/panic attacks/agorophobia for about 50 years. Some of this time its been manageable but now and then, at the moment its a now, it completely overwhelms me and all the ways I found to deal with it in the past become useless. I was on Seroxat for about 15 years but it was becoming less effective and 2 months ago, under medical advice, tapered onto Cipralex 10mg. This was increased after 3 weeks to 15 mg and about 10 days ago to 20mg. The last few days I have felt extremely anxious which may be due to the increased dose. I found this website while looking for advice on coping with anxiety and have found some of your posts to be very encouraging. Its good to know there are others out there who share the same experiences. I wish this amount of knowledge had existed when I was first diagnosed 50 years ago - it would have taken away a lot of the fear.

06-06-10, 14:40
Hi siamese

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Workplace Doctors
06-06-10, 14:46
Dear Siamese,

Welcome to the site I am also a new member to this sight just a mere 24 hours old, we have com across a number of individuals like you that have never had support all those years ago, this is the reason i set up my own company as i previously felt everthing was against me but by becoming more religious and a good family behind me i was able to over come a number of hurdles.

I have reasearched aniexty and a number of other conditions for many years and am able to give impartial advise not as a doctor or such like but through my experiences and knowledge of medical/ treatment procedures.

margaret jones
06-06-10, 15:10
Hi Siamese hope you find lots of help and good advice this is a g8 site

Take Care Maggie
I have suffered from the same as you on/off for 45 yrs this is the only time i have had access to a computer and therefore it has been a lifeline for me at N M P XXX

06-06-10, 15:45
Hi Siamese,

I am 45. I thought i was experienced at 23 years in but you have just made me feel like a young pup.
I also would have been firing off twenty questions an hour if this place had existed back in the mid 80's. Im not even sure if we had teletext then.
Just to say hello and I hope you find some support here and can share your experiences.


Vanilla Sky
06-06-10, 15:52
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: paige x