View Full Version : GPS anyone?

06-06-10, 17:15
Hi all,

I'm looking for the answers if any of you have them! I hve been taking Citalopram 20mg since I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and moderate to sever depression some 14 moths ago. My son is now almost 4, and a lot of my issues were brought to the surface once I had him, and thankfully with a sympathetic GP and a supportive family I began treatment.

However......I am now in day 6 of cold turkey from the pills, and although the anxiety is starting to kick in, I feel more alive than I have done in months. I am so determined to not be medicated but would really like some advice and experiences around herbal and/or more holistic ways of managing my condition.

I have recently handed in my notice at work as I realised the job and rota I was working were definately not doing me any favours and I have also made great strides into being very honest with my husband especially about not doing things just to please other people.....I am a people pleaser by nature unfortunately!

So thats me, hoping I might find some useful info on here, the first such website/forum I have joined since coming to terms with my condition. Hope someone out there can help! :sofa:

06-06-10, 17:17
Hi pollywatts

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
06-06-10, 17:59
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

06-06-10, 19:05

I'm just wondering if it's a good idea to go cold turkey. It might be kinder on yourself to taper slowly over a month or so....

06-06-10, 20:44
Hi Polly

I was just having the same thought, going cold turkey is being too tough on yourself, with leaving work you have a lot on your plate right now. I understand you want to come off your meds but please work with your Gp on this.

I find indian head massage & meditation very good for anxiety, you also need to have some 'me' time on a daily basis, just to chill out on your own, listen to music, read a sloppy book, or do nothing at all! I also see a homoeopathic Dr on the NHS, not many people realise you can do this. You are allowed 4 appointments initially, spread over a year, then you may be (as I have) invited to carry on for another year. You can request this from your GP.

I hope that's some help Polly, good luck with coming off Citalopram, I can't wait for the day when I do to!
Annette x

eight days a week
06-06-10, 21:38
Hi polly :)

Sorry for the short reply, time is limited right now, anyway it's really nice to meet you here, and it's wonderful to hear you're feeling so alive off the pills - marvellous news! :)

Have you heard of 5-HTP as a natural anti-depressant? If not, please look it up! I also take Taurine for anxiety which seems to help, as well as B-vitamins (which support the central nervous system). I take Valerian and also drink the herbal teas like Camomile and others which are nice and soothing, but much more gentle.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on :)

07-06-10, 15:36
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the support and kind words. I realise that cold turkey is not the way for everyone but the side effects I have been experiencing are just the same as when I weaned off them slowly before. At least this way I know I only have a few more days of weird head rushing!

Handing in my notice at work has been the biggest stress buster of all. I never realised how much pressure I was putting myself under to be perfect all the time, by trying to stay in a job that wasn't right for me.

With a very demanding nearly 4 year old, trying to find me time is like looking for gold at the end of the rainbow, but I am going to have a go at walking my dog every evening once hubby comes home from work so that I have at least half hour a day to myself, and get fit at the same time!

I have realised that the pills don't cure my problems they just give me breathing space and I am truly hopeful that I am learning the signals to see when I am taking on too much, and not feeling able to be honest and saying 'NO'!!!!!!!! That seems to be the biggest cause of my anxiety, the worry that I'll upset people by saying I don't want to be involved in something, but then I turn into a total stresser because I'm putting myself in a place that I don't want to be just to please others! How rubbish is that!
