View Full Version : New girl here

06-06-10, 18:19
Hi all, I thought I would just introduce myself after coming across these forums last night.

I am 25 years old from Essex in the UK and for the past 2 years I have slowly been getting more and more disabled by my anxiety, IBS and panic attacks. I now feel like I am at my wits end. I don't go out anymore and its runining my life totally. The newest addition to my anxiety attacks is a racing heart/palpitations and a constant fear of dying but I have many many symptoms and problems. I have finally accepted I need help and am talking to the GP tomorrow to try and get some help.

I hope these boards offer me some kind of support network over the coming months.


06-06-10, 18:27
Hi Thinkingimmad85

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-06-10, 18:28
Hi Daniella

Welcome along to NMP! :flowers:

There are so many people here in the same situation as yourself.
I'm sure you will get lots of advice and support.


06-06-10, 18:31
Welcome to NMP, let us know how it goes with the docs, you should find plenty of others that are going or have gone through the same as you and can help you get through it.

Better days for you soon I hope.

06-06-10, 18:43
Thank you so much for all your kind words x

eight days a week
06-06-10, 22:04
Hi Daniella!

Well done you for recognising you want help, and for finding your way here, I'm sure you'll get lots of marvellous support :)

It's great you're going to your GP. I was very worried about my heart too (though this is absolutely 'normal' for folks in our situation!), and was put on Propanolol 20mg per day (it's a beta-blocker which slows your heart down and is also used for anxiety). They offered me anti-depressants first but I tried them in the past and couldn't get along with them myself (I'm really sensitive to all meds).

Anyway, as my GP was putting me on Propanolol, which is a heart med, he decided it was best to get my heart checked out as well. That really put my mind at rest (to find out there was absolutely nothing wrong with my heart except for the fast heartbeat which was probably due to the anxiety!) and the consultant was really reassuring.

If your heart's such a concern for you I'd really recommend playing up that aspect if you have to to your GP (the palpitations and stuff) so that he or she gets it all checked out thoroughly. Chances are you're fine (as most of us are!) but the extra reassurance helps so much.

There are also natural supplements you can take to help, and loads of great advice on this website and others on those.

Again, nice to meet you, please ask if you have any questions about what I said, all the best :)


06-06-10, 23:45
Thanks once again for the supportive posts.

I had my heart checked out 2 years ago a full ultrasound scan as well as an ECG because my mum was diagnosed then with a terminal heart condition so both my brother and myself were told to get checked which we did and it was all normal, so logically i know i'm probably worrying for nothing about the palpitations and I also know logically I have been under tremendous stress the last few months, my mother got put on life support back in January and very nearly died that was the tipping point for me I think, once she came through the life support and came home, I could feel myself starting to sink as it were and its just got steadily worse.

Do any of you find its impossible to relax/stay still? I find I always have to keep myself busy and count the hours until my partner gets home from work, I feel like I can't cope without him being around and every hour feels like 10, hate feeling this way as always been so so independent.

Grrrr frustrated with myself and feel very silly too :-(

Danni xx