View Full Version : Very bad "nerve" and "adrenaline" attacks on bus, car, daylight any advice?

06-06-10, 19:55
I get these symptoms:

*Shaking like a leaf.
*Heart beat goes throbbing and it's unbearable.
*Out of body feeling.
*Hot sweats.
*If I'm out rushing around as I feel spaced out.
*Inability to control it, when these attacks start. Working helps it.
*Worst on buses, leisurely shopping, public transport.
*Stuttering, nervy writing stuff.
*Feel not alive, dream like.
*Safe places like house, toilet, room by myself.
*Places I've been to loads give me a new sensation like I'm back as a spaced out person.
*Inability to cope.
*Health anxiety worried it's something worse than anxiety.
*These symptoms are noticeable to others as I get so nervy.
*Wanna avoid people then sometimes I want to be around people.
*Mind blips..but it varies as it's been depersonlization + fears of going mad, sometimes I feel I will just die instead.
*OCD symptoms very evident at times when the spacey feeling is less.
*I can be a bit more relaxed and then just come down with a panic over nothing.

It began when I failed my 2nd driving test. Been given Diazepam but not a long term thing..considering propranolol? was on it a few years ago so may stop the fast heart beat and shakes? Just got the CBT for dummies book too to try.

I'm worried when my diazepam run out like tomorrow or something, the propranolol won't control it? It's been three years since I was on them so not sure if I'd get a repeat prescription? They cut down alot of panic but still had some depersonalization a few years ago.

Any advice..at the moment sometimes I feel way better then two steps back when a panic gets worse...and the adrenaline is awful...:weep:

06-06-10, 20:09
It sounds horrible. I dont have any advice other than to keep trying things like meditation, CBT and even therapy. But I would like to send you a hug and say, I hope the propanolol helps again as it did before

06-06-10, 21:39
It sounds horrible. I dont have any advice other than to keep trying things like meditation, CBT and even therapy. But I would like to send you a hug and say, I hope the propanolol helps again as it did before

Thanks. In the house I am more calm and had a good lunch break today..getting better but sometimes they come back worse these panics. :blush:

06-06-10, 21:55
i have been experiencing exactly the same problems, and im on larazapam, mine is coming to an end too. im booked in to see a hypnotist, as apparently they can really help, dont know if its going to work but at the moment ill try anything to help with these symptoms