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06-06-10, 20:14
Removing sugar from the diet?

spoke to someone today and she said she was helped by a book called potatoes instead of Prozac, or something like that. Apparently it tells people to cut sugar out from their diet.

Just wondered if anyone had heard about it?

06-06-10, 20:31
Hi Typer

I have heard of something similar. Some people believe that sugar like coffee for instance is a stimulant which can increase anxiety. Baring in mind though, like salt, there is so much hidden sugar in so many food stuffs and it would take a complete diet change to remove it from our diet completely.


07-06-10, 10:23
Hi Typer,
Yes. I've read Potatoes not Prozac and also the UltraMind Solution. Both emphasise the effects sugar in the diet can have on your anxiety levels and general mental health. I've eliminated sugar for a week now (as well as dairy and gluten) and although I haven't noticed a difference so far, I am optimistic I will soon! It's worth looking into xx

07-06-10, 10:35
I was told that normal sugar is heavily processed whereas honey isn't so may be better for you, I usually put a bit of honey in my morning porridge. I find camomile tea and bananas help the anxiety a bit, the tea is decaf as well usually and bananas have B vitamins that help you fight the anxiety so both are worth a try.

07-06-10, 10:44
I havent heard of cutting sugar from the diet book, but I do know that certain other foods like Gluten and wheat can cause all sorts of problems.. I keep a food diary ,suggested by gp, and have found that wheat is creating problems for me.A lot of wheat intolerance symptoms are also those of anxiety,so im now trying to go wheat free and see if it makes a difference.

07-06-10, 15:25
Another alternative to sugar besides honey is agave nectar. I prefer it over honey for tea and other things. And you can use it in baking, and everything else too.

07-06-10, 16:39
I might try this. Where do you get the agave necter. I saw it once in Morrisons, but have never seen it again, and even wondered what it was when I did see it.

I dont know where to start with cutting out things like wheat. So many products contain sugar and wheat

08-06-10, 22:24
Hi, yes I read this book just before xmas. There are 7 steps if I remember correctly. It's not just about eliminating sugar, although that is about step 4 or 5. You are to take your time with each step, a few weeks if necessary before moving onto the next step. The very first step is to eat within an hour of getting up and you have to eat so many grams of protein & carbs ect. I think alot of it makes sense, but I found the first step soooo confusing. So have never got past the first step I'm afraid.:blush:

The second step is to record everything you eat, along with your moods for a month. One of the steps is to have a small baked potato before going to bed, one step is to get rid of alcohol, and I can't really remember the other steps. As I said, did not get past 1st step. I keep saying I will try it but don't.

The women that wrote it also has a website, just google, potatoes not prozac.