View Full Version : Tummy

Fly away Katie
06-06-10, 21:24
Hello im new here.ive suffered with anxiety for ages now :(
And ive just kinda got something really scary :(

Ive had it for a week now. I feel like theres an airbubble/lump in the bottom left of my tummy.. it kinda moves almost to below my ribs. It was only painful on the 1st day till I went to the loo and then it felt a little better. But ive been left with the feeling of discomfort like an air bubble or something. its so scary :(

Has anyone else had this? I need my mind to be put at rest. Im so scraed and alone. :(

Lots of love, katie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

06-06-10, 21:34
:welcome:It sounds a bit like trapped wind. If you are not allergic to them you could try some antacid preparation. If it is anything to do with your bowels try not to let yourself get constipated and drink plenty of water. When we are anxious we over breathe and gulp in extra air. All these things could conribute to your bubbly feeling. If it does not go away consult your GP. Oh and welcome to the forum. EJ.