View Full Version : How fitness changed my life

06-06-10, 22:12
Hi there friends.
I found this website a year ago and i cannot describe the positive impact it had on my life.
Although i´m not the most regular user, the tools this website supplied me with ( bought Dr. Claire Weekes books, read many helpful posts etc...) have helped me beyond measure.
I´m starting this post today because i failed to realize how greatly my life has improved since then. I joined a gym in October (best hting i did ever), started to do exercise a bit terrified although i was better prepared mentally, but i kept pushing on and on...
I swear that in some classes i thought i was gonna die, or something terrible would happen to me, i remember a day my instructor took my blood pressure and it was a bit high, i panicked so much i spent the next 3 months thinking in strokes and hypertension, eventually i kept rowing against my hypochondriac mind.
The result is that now my fitness instuctor calls me on stage to give classes with her, i am in the best shape of my life ( Les Mills Programs rules :) ) , and i´m almost an electronics engineer. I don´t know if this was the cure i longed for all these years ( suffered 6 years from panic disorder and developed a huge hypochondria), but it sure feels nice to sit down and reflect on my achievments this past year.
Do i still have any anxiety symptoms ? Yes i have them, hell i´m feeling a bit weird at the moment i´m writing this , but now i don´t care so obsessively as i used to and that i think was my major conquest ( Thank you Dr. Claire Weekes books ).
I don´t know who played the lead role on my ongoing recovery, and if i relapse i will learn to pick me up again and continue exercising :)

Cheers to all and thank you for sharing your personal stories.


Veronica H
07-06-10, 08:01
:bighug1:So pleased for you Tiago. Dr Weekes knew this illness so well. Acceptance and not adding fear is essential to recovery. Exercise is a great help. Thanks for sharing your success with us. Best wishes.:flowers:


07-06-10, 09:06
Ive just joined a gym, I put it off for ages because I'm off work and have very little money, then I just figured it whould be better to pay now in the long run as it might make me recorver quicker therefore go back to work sooner.:yesyes: hopefully it will start to eliviate the tirredness I keep getting.

Thanks for posting this

07-06-10, 10:57
Yes...It does make a difference especially in the long run. Sometimes it costs a bit to pay that money to the gym but an instructor of mine said for every Euro spent in fitness we save 3 in medication in the future...True Study :)
Before i joined the gym i was running alone and doing yoga and tai chi from videos i had, all it takes is will to start exercise. ;)


09-06-10, 15:14

I totally agree!!! My hubby bought me a treadmill back in January. I had been off work since October 09 after crashing with depression/anxiety. Even on days when I didnt feel like it I went on and did an hour of power walking with my mp3 playing my favourite music...it really helped me and now am back to work full- time I cannot go on it as often but I make sure I do at least an hour twice a week and always feel good after.


10-06-10, 13:15
Fitness has changed my life to! YAY to fitness :D

02-07-10, 19:41
Glad you find fitness. :yesyes: It really helps more than we think. I do running and it helps me feel really good. The key with exercising is to do it regularily! Even those rough weeks, keep exercising. It helps a lot in the long run.

margaret jones
02-07-10, 22:20
Great to read your post proves we can and will beat this devil anxiety/panic

Best wishes to you Maggiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx