View Full Version : scared to sleep? thank you

06-06-10, 22:29
anybody ever been scared to fall asleep? scared your heart will stop beating? or you will stop breathing? woke up last night and felt my pulse, it was very weak feeling, is this normal? anybody know of any problems that would cause a weak pulse? are there any?

06-06-10, 23:26
I wonder if you pulse felt weak because you had just woken up from sleep? I imagine the pulse would be slower then.

07-06-10, 00:00
I had this issue but it was more due to my ED I was having bad palpatations when I was at a low weight and not eating so I was so scared to go to sleep as I wasn't sure if I would wake up. And anxiety just made it worse... Heart Rate does decrease during sleep though and when lying down so that would probably explain it.

heather xx
07-06-10, 08:33
i once woke up and my heart was racing and of course my anxitey made it worse i didnt sleep very well for a few nights afterwalds i think i had 3 to 4 hours a sleep for about a week!! In the end i was so exhausted i just slept and i woke up after so that was the end of that moment. It was the fear of having a heart attack in my sleep and not going to wake up. Im sure its nothing to worry about i think its where you have come out of a sleep your pulse rate is slower as you have been more relaxed

07-06-10, 15:48
I'm scared I wont wake up, it used to stop me sleeping before i was put on my medication, now i'm still scared but my tablets make me too drowsy to stay awake. i think its quite a common to worry about.
your pulse should be quite slow when you have been sleeping.

07-06-10, 22:32
Some nights I get scared about going to sleep, same worries as you that I won't wake up and my heart will just stop. I'd say your pulse may have appeared 'weak' 'cause you just woke up and sleeping and lying down decreases your heart rate.