View Full Version : Hello everyone

06-06-10, 22:48
Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum, I have joined loads of irrelevant forums in an attempt to try and fix me but none have helped thus far.

I am a 24 year old male whom has had obsessive thoughts for as long as I can remember. They are often about whatever hobby I am into, these "hobbies" or "fads" change very regularly, quite often they last no longer than a month. I am always projecting on what outcomes will be like rather than what the present moment has to offer.

I have been on a course of Citalopram 20mg per day 3 months ago and was on the drug for 6 months. This was due to depression mainly but I noticed it made me feel comfortable in my own skin, which is a feeling I have been chasing with all my fads.

Prior to going on the anti depressants I was drinking a bottle maybe a bottle and a half of red wine a night to sleep and to feel warm and fuzzy... relieving me of my over thinking brain!!!!

Once I went on the Citalopram I stopped drinking and seeked help with that of which I am still recovering a day at a time.

Once I was told to come off the Citalopram by my doctor (after 6 months.) I started smoking Cannabis to slow my brain back down. I smoked the dope for about 3 months daily; to aid in sleep and to stop my obsessive thoughts. It worked but I was obsessing over cannabis and its culture. It eventually all came to an abrupt halt and I stopped smoking dope 32 days ago :)

I am really happy with myself and have been going to meetings as often as I can to aid with my super addictive personality (something that is rife in my family)

So I no longer drink or take drugs... bar coffee but im down to a cup a day right now; thats the next thing I want to stop.

After waffling on I wonder if Im in the right forum, my addictions are being tackled on a daily basis by another program but my obsessive thoughts are really driving me mad lately. The thoughts come on very harmlessly, lulling me in and before long every waking moment is spent thinking of such things! In this case it is cars, i.e. what car should I buy next, what car is going to be the fastest, what engines can I tune up to fit in it, blah blah blah... I have loved cars since I was really young but the thoughts of them are just getting me down.

It isn't just thoughts of cars either... I get really angry as of late... almost uncontrollably so, I am almost like jekyl and hyde with my partner; sometimes ill be in a very very good mood almost too good, then ill be irratable, then i could be tearful and very sensitive, then the next ill be wrapped up in my own selfish "fads." I am sleeping on my own accord; naturally which is a real positive for me!

I have just changed careers and understand that it is a naturally stressful time for me but I just feel these obsessions have gone on for too long now and instead of going with the obsessive thoughts in an attempt to change how I feel I would much rather sought the underlying problems out.

I wonder if anyone else can identify with the waffle that is mentioned above?

Peace and Love


eight days a week
06-06-10, 22:52
My friend, I can identify with so much. There is no 'waffle' whatsoever!!

Time is short tonight, but I just wanted to say a big 'hullo' and to mark this thread so I can come back and hopefully chat to you some more, we share much in common (I think).

So, welcome buddy, and look forward to chatting to you more soon :)

Keep on hanging on hanging on (as I am) it's gotta be worth it!!

All the best for now :)


06-06-10, 22:52
Hi blueskies

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes