View Full Version : Finding CBT counselling?

07-06-10, 10:15
Hi everyone,

So my doctor has advised me I need CBT counselling.

But I've kinda been sent away to find one on my own as the NHS waiting list is so long. But I don't know where to look?

Any useful websites or helplines?

I live in a smallish town and Googling "CBT {townname}" only seems to bring back 1 person's website in my town!


07-06-10, 10:32
Hi 183,
I know Mind offers CBT counselling which you can self refer to, it might be worth contacting them and finding out if it's available in your area, here is their site (http://www.mind.org.uk/help/mind_in_your_area) to find your nearest Mind office.

Not sure if the waiting list is any better than those on the NHS, but it's worth a look. In my area they call it Time to Talk, see if they offer something similar where you live.

07-06-10, 16:45
Thanks for the reply.
That Mind thing isn't in my area though.

I've emailed the one CBT person I found on Google and he's said £45 per session, I've found another website though and others are saying £40 a session.


What should I be looking for here?
Do I need to meet them all face to face to see if I feel comfortable with them? How do I know they are properly qualified or not?

07-06-10, 20:04
Hi i got in touch with Sure start in my area, they then forwarded me onto a mental health link worker then they forwarded me onto CBT. But im pretty sure that your Gp has to refer you..

jaded jean
07-06-10, 20:56
Hi 183.
I was in the same situation as you. I subscribed to No Panic. It costs £12 for telephone support either on a one to one basis or group support.I start mine next week heres the addy www.nopanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk) tel 0808 808 0545 It goes over a six weelk period .Hope you get something sorted It took me 7 months . dont be disheartened tho. Its out there.....somewhere!

08-06-10, 13:05
My doctor said the waiting list was very long so id be best booking CBT privately. I did so, and because I was a lone parent, she told me she could get the funding for me anyway. However, ive since found out that this is what PRETTY MUCH ALL doctors say (about the list being so long) because they dont like to keep referring people, it costs them money you see, everytime they make a referral, the doctor surgery have to pay the Mental Health Team who give you the CBT. I literally waited 3 weeks and got a letter with an appointment booked for that week :) I was told id wait at least 6-8 months! My condition wasnt bad either, i was just having a few panic attacks and got a bit depressed. It wasnt like a serious mental health problem. But its funny coz now my doctor says 'maybe there was a few cancellations' LOL. So id go back to GP and ask to be put on the waiting list, I bet u get a letter sooner than u think! (obviously book with a private person anyway, but expect to pay between 20-45 a session, and when an appt comes up with the mental health team u can just cancel with the private counsellor)

Good luck x

08-06-10, 22:55
Thanks for the replies.

Crazyhayz - I've actually got a follow up appointment with my doctor monday to "see how i'm getting on", I will ask her to put me on the list then. I've only contacted one private CBT counsellor so far and he's said £45 per session. He's suggested we meet in 2 weeks time.

Thing is, what if I have a few sessions with the private bloke and THEN get offered NHS? I will have to start from scratch again then with a new person, so the previous sessions would of been a waste of time?

I'm thinking too much into all this, as usual.