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07-06-10, 10:39
Hi there, im quite new to this but if anyone has any advice they can help me with i would be so greatfull.

It all started when i was 14 and had a panic attack at school infront of everyone, which then made me panic incase it happened again therefore i would avoid places.

A few years after this went away totally and i managed to get a good job as a nurse and passed my driving test.

Then a couple of years ago it came back again, so i started having cbt therapy which hepled and taking citilopram.

Then over a couple of weeks ago its become so bad that i even shake infront of people, ive even had to explain to my work colleges whats happening because its so obvious. Now im scared to go anywhere incase i shake e.g shops, petrol station, my little girls nursery, work. Im becoming completely house bound and im so tired of fighting.

Could anyone please help?

Thank you.

07-06-10, 10:40
Hi Becky210788

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-06-10, 11:58
Hi Becky,


sorry to hear your anxiety has come back like this. I am having a relapse at the moment too, I guess we just have to try and remember that we beat it before and we can beat it again! If you have any self help books from last time, dig them out and re-read them, it will help you again Im sure. You've made a good decision to join this board! just reading other peoples stories will help you feel better, also knowing that your not the only one who is going through this. Have you been back to your doctor and asked for some more help? :)

07-06-10, 12:25
Hi there, yes i phoned doctor this morning and shes gave me a really strong tablet and asked me not to drive or work, but im not sure if this is the answer.
I start work at 2 and im going to try my best to go even though i feel so bad.
Ive never had this problem at all but i just shake so much infront of people when i write or pay for something its just so embarrasing that ive stopped doing nice things. Ive also not eaten anything all morning because i feel so sick of the tought of going to work. Im sorry for going on its just nice to talk to people with similar problems.
Becky p.s i strart cbt on thursday x

07-06-10, 12:26
I agree with daydreamer. Get some self help books out, or just something to boost your confidence. They'll help you make positive steps. They may be tentative, small steps, but they'll be in a positive direction. Do you have any relaxing music to listen to? I find that certain music or relaxing audio tracks help to calm me down and boost my confidence at times.

Try playing this - http://www.rainymood.com/ to some romantic classical music of lounge jazz. It's wonderfully relaxing (I advise some Satie, Debussy or Avro Part). I also have some relaxing audio tracks specifically for anxiety if you'd like me to send you them add me on msn - mattjpickering 'at' hotmail.co.uk