View Full Version : Just been to dentist! Awful experience :(

07-06-10, 11:18
Had to have my first ever filling today. I felt ok about it, don't have a phobia bout dentists, was just feeling a bit nervous. Anyway he did the injection which hurt and then as he pulled the needle out I went all funny, physical shaking, light headed, dizzy and my heart was jumping out my chest! It was horrible, didn't think it was going to stop ! He said that sometimes if you hit a vein in can make u feel like that because it had adrenaline in it! I had to be layed down, I slowly calmed down. But kinda freaking out now that it might happen again or it might make me ill as I've had it now and it's in my system!?
Any reassurance or advice greatly needed please! Face is numb, feels horrible! :(

07-06-10, 11:23
Hi there, im becky and a dental nurse.

Please dont let this experinece effect you going to the dentist.

We see so many patients a day and a lot of them react the same, some people are so bad we have to give them sedation so dont think your bad at all.

The numbness will take an hour or so to go away.

Hope this helps.

margaret jones
07-06-10, 11:26
Poor you it was a horrid thing to happen ,it will be out of your system very quickly i think but ring the dentist and ask him/her if you are worried so that he/she can explain .The numbness will wear off in time . Like you i have a HA but not about dentists and i am due to go twice in June for a Crown luckly i will not need a needle .
There is a gel that they can use ( i think ) instead of the needle .My grandaughter is a dental nurse i will check with her if you want and PM you .

Take care Maggie

07-06-10, 11:31

I have a thyroid problem and apparently people with thyroid conditions can react badly to the adrenaline they put in the injection so I have been told to ask for it without the adrenaline in it. I am sure you could do this also if it would help you if you had to get it done again. Well done on going through that all though, I am due to make an appointment with dentist but too scared!

Kirst xxx

07-06-10, 11:31
I went last week and the previous week to that and had 4 injections - I am the biggest coward going haha but must admit found the whole experience less painfull than I anticipated. Becky, do you mind if I pm you about some questions I have re dental?

07-06-10, 11:32
Yes there is a gel which can be used its called topical gel and will numb the surface before injections it is quite effective.

Becky x

07-06-10, 11:34
No not at all please pm me. Thank you.

07-06-10, 11:38
Thankyou so much everyone for your replies and reassurance :) I'm calming down a bit now although hating how my face feels, dentist said to try and sleep off the anisthetic as it made me feel so odd. Thanks becky, it's good to know that it's a reaction other people have, also great to recieve advice from a professional!
Thanks again everyone x

07-06-10, 12:20
What a horrible experience for you. Everything you describe sounds like the reaction to the adrenaline in the injection. I always ask for the injection without the adrenaline in it, for me it works fine and I've had root canals and lots of other work done with this injection and there is no effect anxiety wise from it at all.

My dentist always puts some gel onto where she is going to inject first too, then she kind of wiggles my cheek area as apparently that helps, although I'm not sure why. However I've never had an injection yet that has hurt at all.