View Full Version : i feel so ill, convinced something bads going on :(

sarah jayne
07-06-10, 12:22
Ive been really ill all weekend. Ive been aching all over, had headaches, my chest is so sore that i cant even wear a bra, its sore to touch but ive also been getting internal chest pains, ive had a burning stomach, ive hardly eaten for over a week, i feel so weak i really do feel like im dying a long slow painful death. I cant handle it anymore. I got diagnosed with fibro a month ago but surely it cant make me feel like this ! When a get a pain in my chest it also feels like i cant breathe, it only lasts seconds but really scares me. Ive got work tonight but really dont feel up to it but we need the money as we are meant to be going on holiday in 2 weeks ( thats if im still here), i honestly feel like im going to die, im so scared. Its hard putting a brave face on on front of my children when im so terrified, my worst fear is something happening to me whilst im at home alone with my youngest child whos only 3 like i am now. Im sorry for rambling im just so frightened :(

sarah jayne
07-06-10, 12:41
well ive made an appointment to see the doctor at 4pm so hopefully he will tell me whats going on :weep:

07-06-10, 12:55
Good luck at the doctors. I know how you feel i have felt awful for 5-6 weeks,nausea, loose bowels, pain in back/side, loss of appetite, sweats, fatigue and headache on one side.I have just had a sigmoidoscopy this morning and all was normal but i still feel so ill and weak.I am having a chest x ray at 2.20 today and i have convinced myself i have cancer because i am so weak and fatigued.
I hope you get some answers xx

07-06-10, 15:44
Sorry your feeling so ill , hope you get on ok at the drs x

07-06-10, 15:53
try not to focus on it, stressing wont make you feel any better. hope it all goes well at the doctors x

07-06-10, 15:58
sarah jayne have you ever checked if the medications you are on (if u are on any) may be causing side effects?
really hope you feel better soon

sarah jayne
09-06-10, 09:07
Thanks everyone. I went to the doctors and got prescribed lansoprazole for my stomach ( hopefully i'll be able to eat soon). I also got prescribed fluoxetine for my anxiety but ive been too scared to take one yet, im going to take one later on this morning :scared15: He also offered to prescribe me some pain patches for my pain, they are stronger than codeine, oxycontin and diclofenics, i cant rememember the name of them but he said some doctors dont easily prescribe them because they are so expensive which i think isnt fair, you stick them on your body and the drugs get into your bloodstream, he said they are really good but some people experience side effects so he wants me to start one tablet at a time so we know which one is causing side effects, ive got to ggo back next week if i want to try them. Hope fully i'll start to feel better soon...x

sarah jayne
09-06-10, 09:09
randomworry the only meds that im on are cocdamols and 25 mg of amitryptiline and vit d supplements.Ive been on the ami for nearly 3 years so i doubt they would start making me ill now, well hopefully not anyway..x

09-06-10, 09:22
how are you feeling now? Have you started any of your tabs?

sarah jayne
09-06-10, 09:31
I started the stomach tablets yesterday and managed to eat a bowl of soup for my tea, it tasted like the best meal in the world after not eating for so long lol, my stomach still fells dodgy but not as bad. Ive still not started the fluoxetine yet, im sat here with the box in front of me too scared to take any lol x

10-06-10, 11:41
i was terrified of taking fluoxetine but they say if you are over 25 they are the best thing for you, but im only 22 so i went to the doctors and asked for something else she gave me a tablet to take at night. if you really are scared of taking them ask for something else, the doctors are there to help you and its better than you suffering.

19-06-10, 22:33
Hugs Sarah Jayne I know how hard this is how many different symptoms and how each day brings a new thing. Prayers for better health xxx Take care

19-06-10, 23:28
I had a week or two where I felt like that, it was awful, I went to the doctors twice and they both said anxiety was causing everything, I couldn't believe them because my symptoms were so bad.
I always get the feeling that it's starting again, that'll come on as bad but if I just calm myself and get out it leaves and doesn't have the chance to develop.
For me I think it's when I let all my anxiety rise so high and don't release it, my symptoms get so bad that my body just decides to make me sick for a week, runs me down but to the lowest depths. Scary.

20-06-10, 18:46
just a little thought there is a forum on fibro on a site called Healing Well might help to post there helped me relate to others and see our symptoms there they have a full list on their under post name Fibro 101, thinkin of you you, take care hugs