View Full Version : breathing issues

07-06-10, 15:23
Anxiety is not new to me. However, this symptoms is, so of course I am convinced that maybe it is not my anxiety acting up and it is something serious. I have been feeling a lot of pressure in my chest, and a sensation that I am not breathing properly. I feel like I cannot get a good breath. It feels almost like I am suffocating from the inside. Like my lungs are shrinking or something. It feels like my chest is full... Its so hard to explain. Basically I am convinced that at any moment I am going to turn blue and die. Has anyone ever had a symptom like this? I am so worried, which i am sure does not help. Thanks for reading.

07-06-10, 15:30
I have this its horrible, I find writing about it helps also keeping busy. I havn't managed to work out a way to stop this completely i guess just understanding it is anxiety and not anything serious is the only way forward. I hope this helps a bit I know it's all easier said than done. good luck I hope this passes for you soon

heather xx
07-06-10, 16:34
I know how you feel with this one. Turned out i had a chest infection, i walked to work and just couldnt get enough air in and turned round and walked back home even writing my name and address phone number on my phone..you know just incase! It went in about a week or so.

07-06-10, 16:37
Thank you for your replies... It really does always help to know I am not alone. Heather, did you do anything for the chest infection, or did it just pass on its own? I am thinking of going to the doctor, but I figure maybe I should give it more time. Of course there is a part of me that doesnt believe I have more time :scared15:

heather xx
07-06-10, 16:42
yeah i was put on a course of antibiotics not sure which ones though! He gave me a peak flow and assured me enough air was going in. It wouldnt hurt going to see a doctor it may put your mind a ease :)

07-06-10, 22:58
I reckon this is anxiety related because it happens to me every time I have a negative thought, a huge weight sits on my chest and I just can't get enough air in. I usually have to press my hand against my nose and breathe out. It sounds completely wierd but it's the only way I can deal with it. x

07-06-10, 23:02
Have had this on and off for over 20 years.

Had it start up again last week in the middle of the night and it really frightened me and still have it a bit now

07-06-10, 23:05
Its a common symptom of anxiety, I did a few sessions of a mindfulness course, I did'nt make it all the way through the course as life got too bad. It did however teach me how to breathe properly again, something I had stopped doing 3 years ago and had'nt realised.
This course was put on by my local mental health facility, it might be worth seeing if there is something like it close to where you live.
Its meditation based, uses Yoga and breathing exercises. I was dubious but glad I went.
Stay calm

07-06-10, 23:19
I used to suffer this so I completly understand how frightening it can be. I found the more I focussed on my breathing the worse it became. I constantly believed my lungs were fully expanded all the time and would hurt myself trying to exhale air that wasn't there. But also what distressed me was the feeling of not being able to yawn properly. It is definetly anxiety related, and if you can distract yourself from focussing on it I'm sure you will see this feeling ease.
All the best.

07-06-10, 23:34
Hello there,
My breathing is always the main thing that is affected when I have anxiety and it as become a good indicator to my partner, my close friends and family that my anxiety is misbehaving. Its terrible so i totally understand how you are feeling! once your breathing is affected it as a knock on affect on the rest of your health as palpatations, dizziness and poor circulation kicks in. I am useless at practicing breathing techniques and i am rubbish at breathing from my diaphram too so I struggle to help myself. There are some very good relaxation cd;s around though which help you regulate your breathing and relax. x

08-06-10, 04:08
Thank you all so much for your replies. I am convinced now that it must be anxiety related because I feel a lot better just after reading the replies. Thank you thank you.