View Full Version : New anxious person!

07-06-10, 15:33
Hello, this website is just brilliant. I stumbled onto it a few weeks ago while searching for some answers and the descriptions and explanations of all the symptoms of anxiety just made me burst out crying with relief that I'm not going mad!

I've seen five different doctors and they all tell me I have anxiety but not a single one suggested how to deal with it other than prescribing drugs. I'm not a pill popper and felt there had to be another way to deal with it so am trying reflexology. After about ten sessions, I am definitely better than I was in March and April this year but I still have recurring symptons and cannot get rid of that doubt that there is actually something seriously wrong with me.

My symptoms include palpitations, shaking, lump in throat, chest pains, tingling, pains in stomach, sharp head pains/aches, weak legs, insomnia, 'unreality', nausea, chronic fatigue, morbid thoughts etc etc! Every single day I wake up waiting to see what's wrong with me that day and certain that I have a brain tumour or cancer or that my heart is just going to stop and I just cannot convince myself that there isn't some serious illness causing all this (other than anxiety!).

I have no idea what triggered it all off, although my doctor thinks it's possibly post-natal (my baby was six months old when it all started). All I know is I just want myself back, I want to forget all this horrible stuff going on in my head and to be able to enjoy my children and my life.

Sorry if this is a bit long but it definitely feels good to "talk"! Everyone on here sounds so supportive.

07-06-10, 15:35
Hi TumbledryerHead

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-06-10, 23:04
Just thought I'd say a quick hello and welcome!!!

I've been suffering for almost two years since I was 4 weeks pregnant, after having my son it got much worse! I've just recently finished CBT and was doing really well but now things have just gone a bit poo again! Symptoms remain even though I think more positively etc. Going to my gp tomorrow for meds, I'm finally giving in I've tried so hard to do this on my own for so long. Like you I just want to enjoy my baby and get on with an otherwise fab life!!


Going home
08-06-10, 00:45
Its really common to feel like this when hormones go a bit crazy, and there are lots of ladies on this forum who have experienced the same thing either when pregnant or after the birth. Its horrible I know but hopefully with time your hormones will sort themselves out. Try not to add to the anxiety by worrying too much.

I know its hard to function and look after a young child when you feel so bad, but try to be kind to yourself as much as you can. Try some gently breathing exercises and herbal teas etc, even herbal relaxants if you don't want to go down the chemical medication route. On the other hand, don't let yourself go down too far. if you really feel you cannot cope, then taking a small dose of medication for a short time might help you get back on track. But i'd say give yourself a bit more time for your hormones to settle down.

Anna xxx :flowers:

08-06-10, 00:48
Hi Tumbledryerhead,

Your username lower my anxiety a few notches:D
You will find very nice people here. I am rather new myself.
Oh and play the games too. Fun

08-06-10, 19:30
Hi everyone! Thanks for the replies and encouragement. It really does help to know that other people are finding it difficult but are staying positive and surviving. Am determined to kick this thing!


12-06-10, 22:19
you will geyt there it takes time but there is light at the end of the tunnel i thought the same as you moths ago but my doc has reduced my meds on frida because things are getting so much better hang on in there you can always pm me if you need to chat