View Full Version : Shall I Stay on Citalopram??

07-06-10, 15:44
Hi all,

I recently posted in the Introduction area as I am new to this forum and website.

I decided two weeks ago that I felt strong and supported enough to come off my Citalopram (20mg) and being an all or nothing gal stopped taking them. The withdrawal effects are not great, but I feel like i want to persevere.

The worry for me is that hubby and I want to try for another baby very soon, and I feel that I ought to be off the pills for a good length of time prior to that happening......however we have a big family holiday in 6 weeks time, Florida with my parents and brother and his wife and two kids. I just wonder if I am setting myself up to fail by coming off the meds before the holiday. My son is almost 4, my husband is already stressing about the flight and maybe I think I should wait til after holiday to come off them.....any advice:shrug:

07-06-10, 16:54

If you already stopped taking them then i would leave it and see how you cope without them especialy if you want to try for another baby as my GP told me they are not that safe to be taken in pregnancy.
Try to keep calm as much as you can during your holiday preparations and get your hubby to stop stressing to help you with it.

Good luck and have a fab holiday :yesyes: