View Full Version : when i get hungry i can't function

07-06-10, 15:57
every 2-3 hours i have to eat something otherwise i start shaking and going dizzy and crying. even if its only something tiny like abit of a sandwich. its really annoying and i feel like it intrudes in everything im doing and i feel like im just going to keep putting weight on :(

Going home
07-06-10, 16:08
Sounds like you're suffering from low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) and when you feel weak and dizzy thats your body asking for more fuel. You will put weight on if you're eating only sweet things to make yourself feel better and your blood sugar just crashes after a short 'high' whereas slow burning foods such as protein (eggs or fish or chicken etc. and nuts or fruit as snacks) or fibre-rich carbs (wholemeal bread or pasta, brown rice etc) keep blood sugar on a more even keel.

Have you ever asked your doctor about this though? it might be worth having a blood/urine test to rule out diabetes. But if you've had one and you don't have diabetes, then i would say you need to get your blood sugar balanced a bit more. Try starting the day with either protein like a boiled egg with wholemeal toast, or carbs such as porridge, weetabix or shredded wheat, or a natural youghurt with sliced banana or some berries (try to avoid fruit youghurts as they can be high in sugar and aren't as healthy as you might think) My daughter gets this too and always carries a small pack of raisins or banana just in case.

Anna xxx

07-06-10, 16:10
You need the food then! Try and eat good stuff. And your not diabetic or aneamic or anything? Its good to nibble as long as you don't stuff yourself every half an hour. I feel shakey when I go about that long without food too, I put it down to growing.

07-06-10, 16:47
Interesting as I also feel very shaky if I do not eat every few hours and have done for a few years. never realized it may be hypoglycaemia. Is there a way to test for this?

07-06-10, 22:25
If you happen to know a diabetic ( my husband is one!) then when you feel like this test your blood on their blood glucose meter and see if its low ( 4 or below will give you hypo symptoms). Sometimes its not the actual figure that causes the symptoms but the speed at which it is dropping so if you have eaten sugary food or fast carbs and your blood sugar has shot up then crashes about two hours later you will get loads hypo symptoms but your readings could be normal.

I have same problem and had all this explained to me by Dr years ago plus knowledge from husbands diabetes.

Your Dr can do a long term glucose level which is average over three months but this really only tells them if you are heading for diabetes or not.

Neesh X
08-06-10, 16:35
Hi :)
I also get this and its is so frustrating! I went to my doctor a i was worried about diabetes etc... and i had my blood tests back about 3 weeks ago and everything is fine. I think that its is down to my health anxiety as im so overly aware of every change and feeling in my body. But for some reassurance maybe you should go to you doc to run a few tests.

09-06-10, 06:57
Hey Jenfa,

I get this too! Seems to be very common with anxiety sufferers! I checked with ym doctor about it and she tested me for hypoglycaemia and diabetes, but both tests came back fine. My doctors believe that it's just because by having anxiety my body uses energy faster than I'm used to so it needs more foods. I need to eat every 2 hours otherwise I feel absolutely horrible and panicky. One of my doctors suggested going on a diabetic type diet to see how it works, so eating at specific time, not a lot of high suger foods, lots of low GI foods, and it has been reallllly helpful. I find I feel a lot better when I have a peice of fruit too, especially pears. I don't know why, but my body loves whatever is in pears, lol. Get it checked out with your doctor if you haven't already, it may be something as simple as hypoglycaemia or just plain anxiety. Either way they'll be able to give you a good idea, and if they find nothing wrong then it's most likely just energy/anxiety related :)

09-06-10, 09:29
Hey Jenfa,

I get this too! Seems to be very common with anxiety sufferers! I checked with ym doctor about it and she tested me for hypoglycaemia and diabetes, but both tests came back fine. My doctors believe that it's just because by having anxiety my body uses energy faster than I'm used to so it needs more foods. I need to eat every 2 hours otherwise I feel absolutely horrible and panicky. One of my doctors suggested going on a diabetic type diet to see how it works, so eating at specific time, not a lot of high suger foods, lots of low GI foods, and it has been reallllly helpful. I find I feel a lot better when I have a peice of fruit too, especially pears. I don't know why, but my body loves whatever is in pears, lol. Get it checked out with your doctor if you haven't already, it may be something as simple as hypoglycaemia or just plain anxiety. Either way they'll be able to give you a good idea, and if they find nothing wrong then it's most likely just energy/anxiety related :)

Yes I feel exactley the same, i have to eat every 2-3 hours else I feel so bad and shaky. All test from the docs came back fine cus I thought iwas diabetic or something too. Im into my kickboxing so I train 4-5 times a week which burns off my food really quick bit I drink alot of whey protein shakes 3 times a day as well as eat every 2-3 hours which seems to help alot.

10-06-10, 11:47
i have had tests for anaemia and diabetes but I'm going to ask for a proper 12 hours fasting test. it really might be due to hypersensitivity i suppose i will have to investigate all angles, its very comforting to see im not alone though, maybe i should try some pears too :D

10-06-10, 17:00
Sounds like hypoglycemia. Quite common I believe. I get it and also think my son (5 on Monday) has it as his behaviour changes if he doesn't eat and settles once he has. Def try slow release foods. Cereals, bread, banana's etc. X