View Full Version : Why do I do it to myself?

07-06-10, 18:19
I have feared MS on and off for about 3 and a half years now. For the past couple of months or so I have been feeling tired all the time and then today I noticed that my arms and legs feel a bit weak and heavy too so I went on an MS site and it says they can be symptoms!
I know that they could also be just because I am so tired. But why am I so tired all the time?? Surely its not normal!

I thought I was getting better but then I start to think like this again! I'm starting to think perhaps I should accept that MS is a very possible out come for me :(

07-06-10, 18:33
Hello there, cassy1989 :)
I'm also tired all the time. I sleep and sleep a lot, but it's like I haven't rested at all, everyday. And feeling tired and weak and heavy limbs are also really normal symptoms of anxiety! That's all you have hun, that terrible anxiety that makes you feel like this. :weep:
But if you're still worried about it, how about going to your doctor to have some peace of mind? Maybe he could calm you. :3

I really hope you feel better soon :hugs:

07-06-10, 18:36
yep talking to a doctor helps, or talking to a friend or family member, its just anxiety i hate it!!!!

07-06-10, 22:13
Hi thanks for replying.

I know I should believe it is anxiety because they are common symptoms but its hard to because I wasn't even feeling anxious until this started! I know I do worry about a lot of other things other then my health though so I guess it could be stress from that?

I might go to the doctors but the irrational part of me says I will find out I have MS and the rational part of me says I will be wasting their time! I just wish the rational part would win over the irrational part of me!

09-06-10, 20:22
Oh, I know exactly how that feels :weep: Even though you know it's nothing, your brain keeps telling you that there is something wrong with you; that can make you really stressed, yes! It's quite hard to let your rational part win over the irrational... Maybe it's because we're always thinking of the bad things and forget that good things also happen. '-'

But you really, really don't have to worry! I'm sure this is just happening 'cause you're stress. Try to relax, do things you really love and maybe this will go away. :hugs: