View Full Version : What could be causing this pain?

07-06-10, 19:15
It all started with a swollen Lymph node in my groin, which my doctor has referred me for some bloods, but he thinks it will come back fine. Apart from that iv been suffering with pain in the area where the lymph node is. I have also started to get more of a dull pain in the top of my leg aswel. It sometimes travels to my knee but more right at the top of leg.. Im totally convinced this is cancer. I cant help but feel this way. I just think " What if its something that will kill me? And my doctors messing around with bloods" :( Somebody please HELP? Im crying out ! The pain is just so uncomfty and annoying. More at the top of the leg more than anything. Please is this normal? Every know and then i get these shooting pains there to.

07-06-10, 22:23
I always give advice on this site to try and make people feel better and nobody is replying to my thread :( Anybody?

08-06-10, 02:37
Heya Sammie,

You're doctor is sending you for bloods because if there is any sickness causing the lymph node to swell it will show up in the bloodwork :) Changes in your blood would also indicate cancer if it was cancer, so just het the bloods done and breathe for a while. I had swollen lymph nodes in my throat for months, just from stress. You may be noticing more pain around the area because it's a little tender due to the swelling, and also because anxiety causes us to feel everything A LOT more than we usually would. Try not to worry yourself too much about it (which I know is very hard) but if there is anything dire wrong it will be indicated in your blood and your doctor will be able to follow up on it :) I think we all get these big cancer worries from time to time, even people who don't suffer from anxiety like us. The difference is that we can't let go of the worry like other people can. You'll be okay :) The doctors know what they are doing.

08-06-10, 02:45
Is it like a random shooting pain you get once every few hours or so? like in the thigh near the groin, but not actually at the groin?

08-06-10, 11:30
Hi Sammie, If your Dr thinks you will be fine you almost certainly will. They know what they are looking at as they see so many people.

Please do not look up symptoms else you will enter that cycle of thinking you have all the signs of something nasty and as we all know Dr Google is evil plus he can't see you! I have had loads of aches and pains with this HA, especially when I am thinking about the area that hurts IYSWIM?

Take care. x

08-06-10, 16:42
Thak for the replys guys. No Daryl its in the groin aswel as the leg. It started in my groin and now the pain goes down my thigh to my knee..