View Full Version : Words cannot describe at the moment... :'(

07-06-10, 19:54
how bad things have suddenly gone for me again. I thought christmas was bad when all this anxiety kicked off, but now, things are just....unbelievable!

My cat who I've had for over 15 years has gone missing & I don't think she's coming back. I'm absolutely devasted! I can't take each day...it's unbearable, I miss her so, so much! My cat's are all I have...I can't believe she's gone. :'(
& It's set my anxiety off ten-fold. I feel like I'm being strangled, my chest & arm are hurting & I can't breathe. The depressed, sinking feeling is like being dragged into a black hole. I worried I won't be able to cope.

I've been getting ALOT of stomach & side pain too, it keeps alturnating each side, one time it'd be on the right side & the next it'll be on the left side. & My stomach is killing me, it woke me up this morning in agony, like a severe cramping in my lower abdomen. Then it really hurt to go for a wee. :( Which is worrying me witless...

& I had some heart tests done in april this year [an echo & a 24 tape] & I got a letter from the hospital the other week saying I needed to go for a follow up appointment on the 23rd of this month. So there must be something wrong & that's worrying me too :'( I'm scared to excercise, or do anything because I think there's something wrong with my heart now.

& I've also got this crushing worry that I'm gonna loose more members of my family & my other cat...or even something happening to me. I'm so, so scared & paranoid, I can barely cope with this...never mind loosing someone else.

I can't take this, I just can't...I can't see how I'm gonna get through all this. I thought I was doing well with the anxiety & now all this...
I'm so scared, alone & frightened....I have no proper friends I can turn to anymore & I don't know what to do...

Some reasuring advice would be great right now guys...I'm so lost :'(

07-06-10, 21:03
I really hope your cat comes back, try not to focus on it I know it can be upsetting. You need to find some time to relax and just free your mind, you're probably focusing on all the negative and it's not helping, as bad as it gets it's just anxiety, know it is just all sensations.

I really do hope your cat comes back though.

07-06-10, 21:16
Please get some professional help . There are people out there who will and can help. Good luck with finding the cat:hugs:

07-06-10, 21:38
Hi sal,
Well done for getting all of that out. That is a lot to deal with.
I have read it as will others which means you are not alone.
I am really sorry about your cat. 15 years is a long bond between you and anyone would be worried sick.
Add that to health concerns and pain, its just all too much at once.
Do you have any routines to help calm you. Music, relaxation tapes, crosswords, cleaning anything to distract?
Just sending a little support.
I am sure more will follow.

07-06-10, 22:01
Hello Sal,
I'm sorry about your cat. My cat is 13 and I know how bad I would feel if she just disappeared. I really hope she comes back.
Have you been to the doctor to explain how bad you feel? You certainly need some help with the way you are feeling about everything just now. Posssibly medication or cbt. Relaxation cd's are really helpful as is posting on here. Everyone is very supportive.
You can always phone the Samaritans too if you feel really desperate and they are available 24/7.
I hope you get the help you need very soon.
Take care. Judy.x