View Full Version : I don't even know what I am anxious about....

07-06-10, 20:24
I couldn't even tell you exactly what I am having anxiety about - I just feel terrible. Everything feels overwhelming - my father is having health issues - my job is overwhelming - sometimes I just want to crawl into a hole!! Now I am working on getting medication and other ways to combat this - but does anyone else go through this where you just feel terrible for not one paticular reason???

07-06-10, 21:06
Yeah, I always try to find reasons for the way I am feeling, I hardly ever come up with anything, sometimes I feel so stupid because I feel worked up without any reason but I know I just can't stop it.

Workplace Doctors
07-06-10, 21:14
Work issues do at the best of times try our patients....and we do feel like giving up and crawling into a hole however if we look on the bright side of life and all the wonderful things around i.e nature, the wind, the trees it sometimes takes me to a place where I personally know that I am at ease! Do you have such a place where you can just float away in happy thoughts?

08-06-10, 01:01
Today has been a struggle - like MidnightCalm, I feel kind of stupid most of the time as I have gotten myself worked up over nothing. My husband is wonderful - when I have days like this he tells me to take deep breaths and trys to get my mind moving on something else. I am lucky to have a supportive family.

11-06-10, 02:37
Yes! i feel your pain...all the time, i cant even sleep anymore for fear of the thoughts that come into my head at night. i fell nauseated all the time...for no reason in particular just a build up of everything...job, money, relationship, family, meds list goes on. You are most def NOT alone, and perhaps u underestimate the amount yuo are going through, you are allowed to be worried and anxious given the things that are overwhelming you, family health and jobs are incredibly difficult and important aspects of life and people tend to feel they shoudl be able to cope...but it is hard!

You hav my sympathy, and i hope things get better for you, talking about problems and writing lists can be helpful.


11-06-10, 10:36
Hi Barbn,

Every day I feel anxious and for no particular reason...everything that comes into my mind feels horrible and I feel panic...just so strange. I think this is what is called GAD (Generalised anxiety disorder)!! Not at all nice and no matter where you try to take your thoughts off to even the things you usually enjoy doing or thinking feels horrible.

I have been on meds for around 11 years now and nothing really completely takes it away!! I tend to suffer bouts of it and they last for quite some months.

My GP is trying me on anti-anxiety drugs along with my AD's to help combat it.

Go and chat to your GP....I am told that there is the right treatment out there we just need to find it.

Take care

11-06-10, 14:27
yep I think a lot of us on here have felt anxious for no reason, its called general anxiety and Ive suffered from it since I can remember in one form or another, it only manifested into panic attacks and became unbearable 10yrs ago when a lot of stresses built up over time. I think that could be why you are feeling like this now, sounds like you have a lot to cope with in terms of stresses?

Try and stay positive, you have taken the right steps towards treatment and thats good. It can be beaten but it takes time and being kind to yourself. good luck :)

20-07-10, 09:08
I also have GAD. It does make you feel like you dont know what are you on about - but it feels through all the body, the pain of fear, the chasing thoughts, the guilt, embarrassement, the fear of thoughts.

I always feel like I am in a bubble when anxiety takes over. Bill is right - the cure is only within ourselves. If we got ourselves ill by practicing unhealthy thinking we have to undo it as well, and when we do it its up to us, instantly or gradually.

21-07-10, 03:48

Picture yourself as a fish in the sea. You're happily swimming along enjoying yourself and you gradually swim just a little deeper before suddenly you come across a shark which forces you further down. Then another shark appears forcing you even further down. After a few more sharks have appeared, you suddenly start feeling short of breath and panicky. You then realise just how far down you've been pushed.

The gradual pressure from different sharks (stresses) have built up and these have then caused your panics.

Finding your way back to the surface again by finding ways around and easing each pressure then enables you to breathe normally again without the need of meds.

One other point is that when we're feeling under alot of pressure, we forget to think rationally because anxiety keeps us under its control through irrational worries created by our stresses because once we start getting symptoms, the stress makes us think of lots of health worries because anxiety makes us "feel" ill when we're not. It's simply too much stress and worries combined causing normal "fear symptoms" so in reality, when we ask for meds, we're actually looking to be cured of fear but fear is a natural response to too many stresses just as sharks are to a fish.:hugs: