View Full Version : feeling rubbish

09-02-06, 12:12
Hi all

I'm feeling rubbish at the moment my nose is blocked,throat sore,coughing and i'm worried now my anxiety is going to creep up like it did before when i was bad. I sooo don't want it because it made me even worse,last night my heart was racing but felt ok don't know why that was fell asleep woke up with my throat sore as hell and just felt crap.

Today not too bad still coughing and nose running and trying not to get get anxious because of this. I hate being bad cause i know my anxiety will come and then my mind will think there's something else wrong with me and i can't be doing with that, it makes me think i'm losing it even though i know i'm not but that's the way things go with anxiety.

I needed to tell you all because no one else understands when i'm like this only u guys.

linda xx

09-02-06, 12:22
Hi Lin,

Just remember it is only a cold and it will go away, be nice to yourself today and try to take it easy and keep warm.

Stay positive and just keep telling yourself you will feel better in a few days.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

09-02-06, 12:27
I have many bad things happening in life at the moment and woke up with tonsilitus this morning. I feel terrible!

The thing I am doing is telling myelf that it will get better. Instead of saying you will feel worse soon again, say something like "Iwhat if I feel good and keep feeling good"? What if I dont feel bad?

If you think positive, you have a chance. If you think negative, you have no chance and will feel bad. Hard to do but you can learn it. I did and I feel I can relate to you exactly. You dont know for sure that things are going to get worse... so dont tell yourself that they will or you will make it happen for sure. Hope that helps.

I feel terrible today as said but the moment I think positive, I get some ease from symptoms but you have to really beleive it :)


Learning to underreact

09-02-06, 17:07
Having a cold reminds us of anxiety and panic as we are short of breath and hot and our heart rate rises and we feel all hazy and out of it.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

09-02-06, 18:48
Big hug mate and hope you get rid of the cold soon.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-02-06, 21:57
I hate colds too.

I feel like I can't breathe so I get panicky.

Get some of that olbas oil to relieve the congestion.

Hugs for getting better soon.
