View Full Version : cancelling honeymoon

07-06-10, 22:23
I feel awful, tomorrow I'm going to cancel my honeymoon in Florida as I am suffering so bad with panic anxiety and depression. I just can't cope with this. Before my wedding all was fine but afterwards the anxiety came flooding back and I've never been so down in my life. I cant believe this is happening now when I should be so happy but instead I can't even leave the house.
Sorry just wanted to get that out, feel so low, hate the way panic is taking my life away.

07-06-10, 22:53
Hi, I don't think you should cancel your honeymoon, think you should just go and the break will do you good, away from routine and normality, I am sure you will feel better when you get there.

07-06-10, 23:14
If you need to cancel for now, that is ok. Find something in small amounts of time to do together that are manageable for you. And dream about a bigger trip to come.

07-06-10, 23:27
Before you cancel your honeymoon please make an appointment and speak to your GP! Explain how you are feeling and ask if there is anything he can give you to help you through your difficulties. It may be that he can prescribe you something which can help. Its worth thinking about anyway. It seems such a shame that anxiety is going to rob you and your partner of what should be a fabulous holiday.
Either that or speak to your travel agents and see if they can change your holiday to somewhere a little closer to home and where you can totally chill out and unwind!!!

Going home
07-06-10, 23:41
Thats a real shame moomin, I reckon you're exhausted after the wedding and all that anxiety you had leading up to it which is why panic has been able to take hold...a tired mind is open to all sorts of fears, so you probably need a holiday more than anything right now. Are there no herbal relaxants you could ask your pharmacist about, or ask your doctor for a mild sedative just for the flight? I'm sure once you're there you'll start to relax and feel better.

Anna xxx :flowers:

08-06-10, 08:01
I know it's not the same thing but last year we had a holiday to cornwall booked. I love cornwall but from the moment it was booked I was getting myself in a right state, worried about the 7 hour journey, would I panic in the car, would I spend the whole of the holiday in a state of panic etc, it got so bad I couldn't even mention the holiday to anyone beforehand. Well, when we actually went, it was the best thing I did. I have agoraphobia and on holiday I was like a new person, I walked round the town on my own whereas back home I can't even go to the shops 5 mins away.The change of scenery did me a world of good. It is so often the case that the thought of doing something is far worse than actually doing it. Having said that, don't feel bad about cancelling if you really don't want to go, there is nothing worse than feeling pressurised into doing something if you really don't feel up to it. If you do go, perhaps taking some passiflora tablets in the few days leading up to it might help, and take some relaxation cds for the flight. Enjoy your honeymoon whatever you decide to do.

08-06-10, 09:35
Hi I hav e just read your post
I feel so sorry for you if you have got to cancel it
Why dont you go and have a talk with your GP first and see if there is anything he can do
Are you on any medication for your anxiety.
Wishing you good luck
I went on holiday 3 weeeks ago and all ther time I was as anxious but I went and I really enjoyed myself.
Let me know how you get on


08-06-10, 10:50
Thank you all for your messages of support. I have always had trouble with travelling and when we went to Orlando 2 years ago I was very anxious but I have never been this bad before, the anxiety has hit me so hard this time and it will take a long time to get myself better. At the moment I am scared to even leave the house that is why going on Honeymoon seems like such a mammoth task. I went to the doctors yesterday and she doesn't seem to think I am ready for it. She has upped my citalopram from 20mg to 30mg but said this will take a couple of weeks to kick in. It is just the timing of it all, she seems to think that as I was fine before the wedding the stress of it all has hit me afterwards and as I suffer from anxiety anyway it has got me particularly bad. She said I will get through this, it will just take time. Unfortunately time is not what I have got before Honeymoon as we are supposed to fly out on Monday. I am going to suggest having a Minimoon with my Hubbie next week and just go away in the UK somewhere, even if just for a few days. Then I am going to work really hard at getting myself better with going on a fabulous Honeymoon panic free as my aim. I just need to lift this depression that I have, and start thinking more positively, but as you all know it is so hard when the anxiety monster rears it ugly head.
I wish you all a relaxing day :)

08-06-10, 11:24
Hi there. I suggest you make your time at home with him special. Order a takeaway every night and watch movies together. I didnt go on a honeymoon because of my anxiety, but we had fun at home anyway.
Just be proud you got married, thats the important bit!

jude uk
08-06-10, 14:37
That sounds really wise having a mini-moon and its not where you are that will matter but being together is the main thing. This may seem like a major blip but its only a blip and I think reading through your post and reply it does seem as if you can see this through. You and your husband just go and have a wonderful time together and forget everything else..

08-06-10, 14:48
Hello, i know its a shame but i wouldnt worry! you got married and its all about your celebration of that wherever you choose to do it!!!!!

09-06-10, 12:30
Hey moomin

Sorry to hear that you're not going to the USA on your honeymoon. However, I'm sure that you know best at this point in time. It's good that you've had a word with your GP and hopefully you'll be feeling better in a couple of weeks once your meds increase kicks in.

I think that having a mini -moon in the UK is a really good idea. Just try to get away for a few days to a really nice hotel and be spoiled rotten! You deserve it. It doesn't matter where you go, just being together is what's important.

As has Vixxy has said, you should indeed be proud that you got married - that was the important bit!! You can always plan a trip much further away in your own time, when you are feeling better.

Take care and let us know how you get on. :hugs: x