View Full Version : Really worried about my sight :(

07-06-10, 22:30
I haven't been on here in a while.

But I am really worried about my eyes...I've had floaters for a number of years but sometimes they are worse than others, especially when I look at the sky or something white or blank. I also get eye twitches often which is annoying.

I started looking things up on google about it - bad I know! And it said sometimes they can be harmful and if you dont get it treated you could go blind permanatley. Do you think I should visit the doctor? I do wear glasses and go to the opticians when I need to...and they haven't mentioned anything bad. I also get flashes in my eyes occasionly which are quite scary and I thought I had a brain tumour at one point. Apparentley these can be serious and sometimes medical treatment should be sought...Don't know what to do because I don't want to lose my sight!

Going home
08-06-10, 00:38
Floaters and twitches aren't a sign of losing your sight, I get both every day and at my eye exam in april I was told I had very healthy eyes. The floaters are harmless and alot of members on here get them, so its seems that they can also be yet another symptom of anxiety, and ive noticed that I get them more as I get older. Twitching is more likely to be a sign of stress or just tiredness to be honest, although Google will always give you the worst case senario about everything so best not to google!

Anna xxx

09-06-10, 09:55
Floaters and twitches aren't a sign of losing your sight, I get both every day and at my eye exam in april I was told I had very healthy eyes. The floaters are harmless and alot of members on here get them, so its seems that they can also be yet another symptom of anxiety, and ive noticed that I get them more as I get older. Twitching is more likely to be a sign of stress or just tiredness to be honest, although Google will always give you the worst case senario about everything so best not to google!

Anna xxx

Thank you for this...I will try to stop googling.Now that I'm aware of them I notice them all the time :(

09-06-10, 10:07
I started getting these last year in my right eye and i googled and hurried to the opticians. They said they are floaters and harmless bits of debris and you notice them more if you look at a white background.I still have it but i dont notice them now.