View Full Version : Lymph nodes scaring the hell out of me

08-06-10, 02:36
Hey, whenever im ill I immediately presume that I am suffering from cancer. My latest one are the lymph nodes that I can feel all over my body. Iv got 3 on each side of my groin, can move them all around but they are a little harder than the other ones in my body. I have one on the inside of my ear, like on my cheek, on each side. One under my chin, one each side of my jawline which I can feel when I lean my head forward, 2 at the back of my head, 3 each side of my neck too. I'm thinking to myself that I have lymphoma because everywhere that iv looked on the internet nobody has been able to feel as many as what I can in my body. :unsure:
It's causing me huge concern. Some (the ones in my neck and the ones under my chin) have been their for 5 years or so, but the ones in my groin have been their for 8 months. I had blood work done recently and that came back clean, given it was for the IBS iv now got because of my health anxiety. But I did get blood work done that had "lymphoma" written on the slip. It had many things ticked on the list but I read that they cant rule it out by simply taking blood samples :weep:
I am going to a specialist to see if they "think" I need a biopsy done.
My doctor didn't seem too worried by my symptoms as I havn't really gotten any.

Im having trouble concentrating on day to day life because of this anxiety and its wearing me out really badly, all I want to do is sit in my room and go to sleep. I do have a little weakness in my legs but that might be my health anxiety.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please comment with your thoughts below.

08-06-10, 03:27
Guess nobody knows then huh :weep:

08-06-10, 03:33
Being able to feel lymph nodes really has nothing to do with cancer.
Yes it is true that as cancer metastasizes it essentially 'drains' into the lymph nodes as it spreads BUT being able to feel lymph nodes is not a cancer sign!
Most nodes are no larger than a bean and as long as they haven't gotten bigger I wouldn't be concerned about it.
Especially since you have discussed it with your doctor. If you are still worried then you should tell him/her so and perhaps she/he can set your mind at ease.

08-06-10, 03:39
Oh and trust me you don't want a node biopsy if you don't HAVE to have one!
My husband just had a sentinal(sp) node removed from under both arms and in his neck two weeks ago and still can't wear a regular t-shirt or lift anything heavier than 5 pounds!

08-06-10, 03:48
Being able to feel your lymph nodes - especially considering you're aware of of them - does not mean your lymph nodes are enlarged.

To be considered pathologically enlarged, a lymph node is usually over 1.5 centimetres in size, not merely just felt.

Lymphoma should not even register on your mind as a cause for the perceived 'swelling' - and you should not use the internet to research the condition, or any others. Such readings are irrelevant, impersonal, and CANNOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT YOUR PERSONAL SITUATION. You are being evaluated by a living, breathing doctor - which is a far better solution than trying to complete some amateur sleuthing via the internet.

By the way, a great majority of people can feel their lymph nodes: have you see this thread?


08-06-10, 04:05
Id say the largest one iv got is about 1.5cm in size, but the doctor doesnt think they are abnormal. Nothing would really completely put my mind to rest unless they test the nodes and can confirm that it isnt lymphoma or any type of cancer. Otherwise ill be sat in my room like I am right now awake at 4am still looking up my symptoms.

08-06-10, 05:02
So you know it's bad to look up your symptoms, and you're going to keep doing it anyway?

You know your nodes are most likely nothing, but you're going to keep torturing yourself about them?

If you'd like to feel better, or help yourself at all, you'll find you get more in your exchanges from other people.

Good luck with your testing, and whatever it is that will bring you reassurance.

08-06-10, 11:07
hi daryl
try looking at it this way: the doctors are doing what they need to do to find out if anything is wrong. You looking up symptoms and scaring yourself will not help the situation so try your best not to do it because it is unlikely you have anything serious going on.
let us now how you get on but im sure you will be fine

08-06-10, 11:29
Hi there. Ive got 2 fairly large Lymph nodes on either side of my groin. One of them has been feeling tender for weeks as it does on and off. My doc has had a look at it and said theres nothing wrong.
Are you underweight? Ive found mine are more noticable since i lost a lot of weight with my anxiety.

08-06-10, 14:49
I wouldn't say i'm underweight, but i lost like 3 and a half stone in 6 months last year crash dieting because I was a bit overweight, but thats when I noticed the ones in my groin, but they could of been their for even longer.
It does scare the hell out of me, they arn't painful and the doctor didn't seem too bothered, but its messing with my sleeping patterns, my eating, and the way I feel on a day to day basis.

08-06-10, 14:55
I think you need to learn to trust your doctor. They will know the signs to look out for of cancer, and if theyre in any way concerned you would be straight off for tests.

08-06-10, 15:07
Reason why im so worried vixxy is because last time I went (8 months ago) he rushed me for blood tests for lymphoma and everything came back clear, but recently, I found out you cant tell simply from taking blood tests.

08-06-10, 19:43
Bumping for more reassurance

09-06-10, 11:02
Hey Daryl, your very anxious and because of that you are seeing everything with suspision and worry like your wearing 'scared' glasses. If you were feeling less anxious, you would more likely trust your dr and beleive that they know exactly what they are doing and that the tests they ordered on your blood will be fully investigative and the results would provided specific answers as to what is NOT your problem and what other tests should be carried out.

I spent quite a while worrying about Lymphoma and hodgkins disease and kept going to the dr over and over doubting them even after my bloods came back totally normal and they assured me that both gave very obvious blood abnormalities or markers for further investigation. Im not sure what you have read but i do know that its liekly you have taken it out of context becuase of your anxiety.....I do it all the time!!

Stick in there, youll feel better sooner if you keep busy with real life stuff as much as you can and keep your time spent thinking about this as minimal as possible.


Try not to

09-06-10, 12:12
i've just got some castor oil today because apparently if you apply it in the area of the lymph node/gland then then it'll take it down a little bit eventually

noticed mine a few weeks ago, been anxious as hell and had tension headaches a lot but getting a bit better now.

09-06-10, 15:53
Iv just got back from the doctors, he told me they feel completely normal and they he doubts they will even do a biopsy on me. They arnt enlarged or anything either according to him.
That reassurance goes a long way. Apart from till I remember reading on the internet that they cant tell from a simply blood test.

09-06-10, 16:00
the problem is daryl that you want to no for sure the trick is to learn to live with the uncertainty thats what the so called 'normal' people do. think about everyday people smoke cigarettes in the uk and on the packet it says will cause slow and painful death but do you see smokers having anxiety attacks about this. no and that is not because smoking does not cause a slow and painful death but because they think hey it does not guarentee that is my fate and they get on with life! thats the trick but its hard for us!!

09-06-10, 22:41
The thing is too, like they arn't symmetrical on my neck, should they be? Like on one side I can feel them were on the other side I can't. It's very worrying for me even though the doctor felt round and didn't notice any abnormalities.

10-06-10, 12:55

I have myself gone through the same thing as yourself although now i am trying to beat it...

I had two lumps come up down below 12months ago (Im a female so my bits lol) i looked up google and straight away it said Lymphoma! I spent days feeling everypart of my body possible trying to find more to diagnose myself. I didn't find any then and i went to the docs. ive seen four diff docs who have told me they are cysts.. i began to deal with that and then had a lump come up in my wrist straight away i thought here we go again and it was a cyst. Now i know, that where your describing they are lymph nodes etc but you really need to ignore google. Because of google i am now in a state about my three year old son as he has had one in his neck for 3months and has other symptoms that point to Lukeamia which is what my dad died from and i am a nervous wreck - yet if i hadn't of let my friend show me google i wouldnt be ina state i would of trusted my doctor.
Trust your doctor not google - my friend typed in about hair loss - it come back with cancer and it turns out it was her medication! <-- how wrong was it??
Please please please do not use google anymore and try to believe your doctors, and as for the Blood tests my Gp told me blood tests can pick up anything and if anything is abnormal thats when they start testing other areas etc so if your bloods fine, your fine.
love to you xxx

10-06-10, 14:52
Iv been oversleeping too, for like 10 hours a day.

10-06-10, 16:52
Even more for me to worry about now, iv just got a letter through the door where the NHS want some blood tests from me, the description says lymphadenopathy. They want to check for :
Liver Profile
Bone Profile
Thyroid Profile

This is scaring the hell out of me :(.
Im sure iv had the same ones tested 8 months ago and they all came back fine, but its got my worry going again :'(
Its for the heamotology centre, It says "so that results are available on your consultation".

God why me :'(

10-06-10, 16:56
Awwwww Honey, deep breath. Has this letter been dated since you last seen your Gp? could it be the gp knows how worried you are and has orderd them again to put your mind at rest?

10-06-10, 17:04
No my doctor had some for FBC and the other routine ones, this is for the NHS heamotology, its testing my liver and bones too. Last time I had it done they came back fine 8 months ago, but they are testing again :(.

10-06-10, 17:28
Were you due a follow up appointment from them? Because if you were then they will need a current blood sample to check.

10-06-10, 17:29
hi daryl could be they are testing again just to see if anything has changed. It does not mean that you are seriously ill since lymph nodes swell due to infection.
If they thought it was something serious they would run more thorough tests so im sure you will be fine

10-06-10, 17:34
All that has happened is my lymph nodes have stayed palpable for 8 months, last time I got the large blood tests done was 8 months ago when i first recognized them in my groin, but they came back normal and i didn't follow up on it. But now iv told my doctor im worried about it being lymphoma he's referred me to a heamotologist to look at my blood and maybe try to rule out lymphoma so my mind is at rest. But now they want more blood is making me think they havn't got a real idea of what it might be.

10-06-10, 17:43
They are probably checking all the bloods to rule out Lymphoma to put your mind at rest! :)

10-06-10, 17:46
So if they felt the same 8 months ago, and i havnt changed in the 8 months, do you think that they will be fine?

10-06-10, 18:06
If you had cancer then you would be pretty ill after 8 months.
Doctors will always take a new blood sample when you go to see them, even if theyve only just done one.

10-06-10, 18:11
I keep reading these lymphoma symptoms, and I do have a few of them, it says "spots of blood under skin". I have these on my arms and thighs :(. Not alot but like 2-3 on each arm, is this anything to worry about.

10-06-10, 18:11
For one, lymph nodes come in different sizes. Some are the size of the head of a pin and can be as large as a bean.
The reason they want new blood tests is probably to check it against the results from 8 months ago.
Lymph nodes are basically used as kind of like the filter for a pool, they filter out infection and stuff that can make us sick. Even if they are enlarged that doesn't necessarily mean cancer, could be a low grade infection that is triggering them.
BUT just because you feel them DOESN'T mean they are enlarged!

I can understand you being afraid but quite honestly you should really hold off on the 'what ifs' until you see the doc and get your results back!
Try to remain positive and use positive affirmations to fight off the 'what ifs'.

10-06-10, 18:27
But what are these little red pin pricks on my skin, theirs like 10 on each arm and leg

10-06-10, 18:48
They are really tiny, i didnt even know i had them until i looked for them, theirs only one i can see with my eyes, and my camera cant even pick them up they are that small. But this is worrying me now because i heard its a sign of lymphoma also

10-06-10, 18:58
it might sound obvious but what happens when you worry is you start to look for the things to confirm the worry so because the red blemishes are so small that is unlikely to be serious.

10-06-10, 19:12
Yeah your probably right, i told my mum and she had a few on her arms,

10-06-10, 19:23

Were talking smaller than that, probably half the size maybe a 3rd and about 5 on each arm

11-06-10, 00:09
I would like to thank all you guys for your reassurance through such a hard time for me, even if im still worrying like mad about what might be wrong with me, even though its probably nothing at all. It all started happening when I was thinking about jobs and leaving college, which probably set off my anxiety of losing friends. Then the IBS came from all that stress and my health anxiety started again. Iv been fine for 8 months, completely forgotten about things that were wrong with me.

Hope everyone else all the best and you get over your health anxiety some day, like me.

Love you all guys.